Biomass |
Prices of Various Energy Sources25 Jan, 2010 04:14 pm As we continue to develop biomass as a renewable source of energy, it is important to keep the cost of energy in mind, because this has a very strong influence...Carbon Particles a Factor in Climate Change?2 Dec, 2009 08:15 am Black carbon particles from burning oil-based fuels and biomass, particularly in developing countries, are not only a health-hazard but may also contribute...The Necessity of "All of the Above"15 Oct, 2009 12:58 pm I've devoted a lot of space in my blog to explaining why we need all of the energy choices currently available to us, including energy efficiency,...Biofuel Contenders7 Sep, 2009 02:11 pm On the other hand, there are some renewable fuel options that have either proven themselves as solid contenders, or have not yet demonstrated fatal flaws...I Never Cease to be Amazed18 May, 2009 05:34 pm Don't get me wrong, butanol is a fine fuel, and I have a special fondness for it. I would like to see it work out. But my observation is that people grossly...Renewables-Based Technology.4 Jan, 2008 12:25 pm Making hydrogen from sugar is not feasible on any sensible scale, since to do so would require using the world's arable land in competition with food production...A Bio-Based Society?21 Sep, 2007 12:32 pm Biotechnology may not be the first thing people think of when asked for a solution to the major issues of our time such as pollution,..."We Are Already Using A High Proportion of Biomass Production in The Ecosystem"5 Jul, 2007 11:28 am Karlheinz Erb is a specialist on sustainable development and biomass flows. His research indicates that humans are already using a very high amount of...Status of large predatory fish stocks in the Pacific Ocean23 Jan, 2007 05:49 pm In December 2006, my colleagues John Hampton from the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Pierre Kleiber from NOAA Fisheries,..."My Proposal Is To Concentrate On Green Energy at Large"22 Jun, 2006 07:31 pm Ibrahim Dincer is chair of the Second International Green Energy Conference that will take place in Ontario, Canada from the 25 to the 29 of June... |