Genetics |
Made-to-Measure Medicines8 Dec, 2008 09:38 pm The concept of pharmacogenomics has been around for decades but only now in the age of the genome is true progress being made in its application...Syphilis Origins Solved?21 Jan, 2008 12:09 pm A new paper in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases attempts to tackle a rather sensitive topic...My Predictions for 200820 Dec, 2007 01:31 pm Each year the Center for Bioethics and Culture asks me to predict what will happen in the next 12 months regarding the major bioethical and biotechnological...Turbocharged Human Evolution13 Dec, 2007 04:25 pm I?ve heard people say that selection pressure on humans has relaxed?or we have slipped from its grip to some degree?and that as a result human evolution...Bacterial Genomes and Evolution29 Nov, 2007 10:59 am The seminar that I give most often when I am invited to speak at other universities begins with a brief introduction to genomes,...First Look: Stem Cell Research27 Nov, 2007 10:41 am Tony Maciulis talks with Dr. Jon LaPook about a breakthrough in stem cell research. Scientists have found a way to possibly avoid using embryonic stem...CNN: Supermouse Report9 Nov, 2007 12:03 pm On November 2, researchers at Case Western University announced the "super mouse": mice who have been genetically tweaked to produce large amounts of ...First 60 Minutes, Now Scientific Journals: Genetic Genealogy in Today's Science25 Oct, 2007 01:40 pm Today?s issue of Science contains a new look into the world of genetic genealogy. ?The Science and Business of Genetic Ancestry Testing?,...Biodiversity: a "Rock-Paper-Scissors" Game Played at Multiple Scales26 Sep, 2007 11:08 am Biological diversity is being lost at unprecedented rates around the world, both in the number of different species and the genetic variety within a species...I Didn't Notice I Lost a Gene27 Jul, 2007 09:49 am In the year 2000, at around the time that the first human genome sequence was completed, an inventory of the genetic material of the small mustard plant...Are You Listening as Well as You?re Hearing?26 Jul, 2007 07:03 pm When we listen, we do more than just hear. We make sense of a complex sound environment. We?re so good at it that we take our auditory processing skills...An Open Mouse29 May, 2007 07:30 pm A few months ago I got in my car and drove north until I reached a remarkable building filled with several million mice. At Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor...The Science of Transgenic Technology4 Jun, 2007 12:25 pm What do humans, flies, and worms have in common? More than you might think. See how transgenic organisms are engineered, and how they enable researchers...Stem Cells May Help Improve Vision29 May, 2007 07:29 pm University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers have recently found evidence that adult bone marrow stem cells may help cure certain genetic eye diseases. |