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Threat of Population Surge to "10 Billion" Espoused in London Theatre.5 Sep, 2012 01:34 pm In a lecture given at the Royal Court Theatre in London, Professor Stephen Emmott gave a chilling account of what will happen to the Earth and its resources...The Oil Industry's Deceitful Promise of American Energy Independence4 May, 2012 11:09 am Faced with increasing political obstacles to oil and natural gas exploration in many countries around the world, the oil industry is focusing again on...Global Warming is No Threat?14 Feb, 2012 09:56 am A group of 16 eminent scientists has written a letter to The Wall Street Journal arguing that climate change is no imminent threat,...Shaky Foundations for Offshore Wind Farms14 Feb, 2012 10:00 am Offshore wind farms are far more difficult and expensive than developing on-shore wind power. If the UK is serious about providing 25% of its electricity...Time to Worry: World Oil Production Finishes Six Years of No Growth2 Nov, 2011 12:29 pm As oil prices rose ever higher in the last decade, the optimists kept predicting rising production capacity and plummeting prices...Natural Limits to World Wind Energy?20 Jul, 2011 10:39 am From a thermodynamic analysis, it is estimated that the amount of energy available in the Earth system to be extracted by wind-turbines is limited at 18...Shale Gas: Not a 'Game Changer' After All15 Jun, 2011 04:51 pm Newly accessible natural gas from deep shale deposits around the world has been touted as a solution to everything from oil dependence to climate change...A call for an international collaboration for the eradication of endometriosis (1)17 May, 2011 10:06 am This work has been published in the "Journal of Endometriosis" (3:1-7, 2011) and has as a major objective to stimulate discussions about the eradication...Fracking Does Contaminate Groundwater With Methane, But Jury Still Out On Process Overall13 May, 2011 12:15 am A study by Duke University has shown unsafe levels of methane gas in water taken from wells closer than 1000 m to gas-shale hydraulic fracturing ("fracking")...The Road to Fukushima: The Nuclear Industry's Wrong Turn11 Apr, 2011 10:32 am Nuclear researchers knew long ago that reactor designs now in wide use had already been bested in safety by another design. Why did the industry turn its...Rare Earth Elements and Thorium Power.22 Mar, 2011 04:08 pm Thorium is present in the ores of rare earth elements rendering the processing-waste radioactive. Rather than burying it underground in concrete thorium...When renewable energy meets quirky culture7 Mar, 2011 05:12 pm To make an impact, small-scale renewable energy systems must fit social expectations and cultural norms.Endangered Elements: Threat to Green Energy.8 Feb, 2011 11:00 am Demand for rare earth elements (REEs) is projected to exceed current supply, 97% of which comes from China. Since neodymium and dysprosium are needed for...Eradication of endometriosis13 Jan, 2011 06:44 pm Abstract: Is eradication of endometriosis possible via the incapacitation of the mesenchymal endometriotic stem cell?FECUNDITY: a new e-Journal is born12 Jan, 2011 12:36 pm Abstract: FECUNDITY, a new e-Journal is launched Editor: Dr Simon VassiliadisThe Electric Car Fetish29 Dec, 2010 01:01 pm Many automobile enthusiasts believe that the electric car is the wave of the future that will help save the environment while expanding the availability...Is Venezuela the Next Flashpoint for Oil?4 Oct, 2010 02:01 pm In a world desperate for new oil supplies, Venezuela beckons. But will its fumbling management of oil production lead to foreign intervention,...China’s Energy Paradox20 Sep, 2010 09:47 am China is both the biggest user of dirty energy and clean energy; home to the worldÂ’s first eco-cities and also some of the worldÂ’s most polluted; host...Fossil Fuels vs. The Public Interest1 Sep, 2010 12:32 pm The fossil fuel industry often pretends to have the public's best interests in mind. The operative word is "pretends."Australia Plans to be Carbon-Neutral by 2020.25 Aug, 2010 10:48 pm By means of a huge new installation of concentrating solar thermal (CST) and wind-power and the electrification of its transportation infrastructure,...Planet burning: Russia fires threaten climate19 Aug, 2010 11:19 am Besides causing 700 extra deaths a day in Moscow alone - due to the smoke from forest fires, according to its top health official - the smoke has quickened...Beyond Carbon Legislation: Energy Transition2 Aug, 2010 09:08 am Never mind carbon emissions. That game cannot be won. What we can do is work towards replacing fossil fuels with renewables,...Global Coal Supplies: It Might Be Worse Than Anyone Thinks10 Aug, 2010 04:11 pm A new study on global coal supplies suggests a worldwide peak in production from existing fields in 2011.Oil spill: BP shrinks by $16 Billion28 Jul, 2010 12:56 pm Only time will tell whether BP's accountants have included a sufficient 'haircut' in the second-quarter results to allow the new boss to begin rebuilding...Nuclear Energy: Threat or Opportunity?27 Jul, 2010 01:28 pm If nuclear is not to be part of the energy solution of the future, then there will be other costs/risks to bear, some of which could be very dramatic...Battle rages in British Isles over offshore drilling23 Jul, 2010 02:23 pm Here's a question: in which country do you imagine that a police officer might say to a protestor who is trying to prevent an offshore gas/oil drilling...Curtains down on self-cleaning windows?22 Jul, 2010 11:29 am We take the green credentials of nano-TiO2 cleaning agents for a test ride and arrive at some surprising results!Rejecting Reactive Energy Policy12 Jul, 2010 01:15 pm Overly-reactive policies focused on the Macondo spill and the political opportunity it presents risk misallocating our priorities and creating a legacy...Putting US Energy Security At Risk7 Jul, 2010 01:17 pm If the Congress is serious about enhancing United States' energy security, then it should focus its efforts on reining in consumption,..."Go gargle razor blades"7 Jul, 2010 07:27 am Climate scientists under attack from alleged US rightwing elements following the infamous University of East Anglia emails leak.What should we do with corn?1 Jul, 2010 11:58 am Do we turn it into cheap sugars that make people fat or use it to produce biofuels that will help reduce the USÂ’s dependence on Middle East oil,...The Energy Transition Is Already Underway29 Jun, 2010 01:19 pm We are already developing advanced biofuels and solar power and rather than arguing about starting out, shouldn't we be asking how much we can do now to...Is Net Energy Peaking?5 Jul, 2010 06:28 pm When most people think of fossil fuel supplies, they think in terms of barrels of oil, cubic feet of natural gas and tons of coal...Revulsion vs. Hard Choices25 Jun, 2010 01:24 pm Before America commits to anything beyond the shortest suspension of deepwater drilling, necessary to ensure that the practice can proceed safely,...BP and the Obama Administration – I Blame You for Ruining My Gulf24 Jun, 2010 11:44 am The US government had zero capability of its own in place to deal with a spill of this magnitude, meaning all of the technical heavy lifting was squarely...Another Wake-Up Call for the World’s Biggest Oil Junkie22 Jun, 2010 12:53 pm OK, America, itÂ’s time to get real about energy. The explosion and destruction of the Horizon deepwater rig and the subsequent oil spill disaster are...Vestas: Will business be brisk again?18 Jun, 2010 01:42 pm “Wind is all we do,” says Martha Wyrsch, the president of Vestas Americas.Investigating the Resource Curse in Southeast Asia24 May, 2010 03:23 pm New evidence suggests that the developing countries of Southeast Asia are not prone to the resource curse when it comes to oil and gas production.Will Toe-to-Heel Air Injection Extend the Oil Age?21 Apr, 2010 12:38 pm When the oil optimists say that new technology will extend the oil age for at least several more decades, they almost never discuss the limitations of...Worrying about copper15 Apr, 2010 12:15 pm I travel much by railroad. In the last 6 months it happened twice that my train did not run because thieves had stolen the copper wires that are essential...Report Says, Algal Biofuels May Not Cut Carbon Emissions, but Read it More Closely.8 Apr, 2010 09:48 am According to a life-cycle analysis, growing algae to make biofuels is overall worse in terms of carbon-emissions than growing land-based crops like corn...Are the health dangers from nuclear radiation exagerated?17 Mar, 2010 02:04 pm The debate about the risks to human health of exposure to nuclear radiation has been rekindled. Two new books, one British and the other American,...Biofuels and land use3 Mar, 2010 04:08 pm Current transport biofuels are mainly made from crops producing starch, sugar and edible oils. In doing so, they divert those crops from providing food...Sacks gardening in urban and rural areas25 Feb, 2010 12:22 pm In every developing country people are suffering from the high food prices. More than billion people are hungry every day...Do Texas and the North Sea Foretell the Future of Oil Production?25 Feb, 2010 12:22 pm Oil supply optimists claim that new technology combined with private development of the world's remaining oil resources--most of which are now under the...UK: using woodlands to cut emissions25 Jan, 2010 04:21 pm An independent assessment commissioned by the UK Forestry Commission has proposed one way forward: a million new hectares devoted to woodland,...Prices of Various Energy Sources25 Jan, 2010 04:14 pm As we continue to develop biomass as a renewable source of energy, it is important to keep the cost of energy in mind, because this has a very strong influence...The Renewable Power Rebellion25 Jan, 2010 04:13 pm Last week, I speculated on how Southern California and Arizona might fare in a relocalized future where small regions are forced to become self-sufficient...Venezuela May Yield Twice as Much Oil as was Thought.25 Jan, 2010 04:23 pm The Orinoco oil sands belt in Venezuela may yield 513 billion barrels of oil, or more than twice as much as was previously reckoned...The Known Universe24 Jan, 2010 09:16 pm The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang.H1N1 'false pandemic' biggest pharma-fraud of century?19 Jan, 2010 12:03 pm The Council of Europe will launch a probe into pharmaceutical companies accused of manipulating Swine Flu data.My favorite green technology31 Dec, 2009 01:18 pm No offense to those working hard to bring wind, solar or geothermal energy to scale, or to people who are jazzed about energy efficiency,...My Top 10 Energy Related Stories of 200930 Dec, 2009 05:34 pm Here are my choices for the Top 10 energy related stories of 2009. Previously I listed how I voted in Platt's Top 10 poll, but my list is a bit different...Google, Jane Goodall, forests and the cloud28 Dec, 2009 10:59 am Not long ago, the only people who could access and analyze satellite images of the earth were government officials, the military,...Why climate change adaptation could make things worse23 Dec, 2009 04:38 pm Because many of the proposals for adaptation to climate change require further extensive release of greenhouse gasses, they will only make climate change...Iran discloses a secret nuclear facility22 Dec, 2009 03:50 pm Pressure for a new round of sanctions against Iran is growing. US President Barak Obama may demand new sanctions as early as January unless Iran's leaders...It's not just about Climate Change21 Dec, 2009 07:46 pm This past week delegates from 192 countries descended upon historic Copenhagen to tackle the one of the most divisive issue of our times: how to limit...From Japan: Eco Products Exhibition 200918 Dec, 2009 12:19 am It?s that time of the year again where the world gets together to see what we can do about solving energy and climate problems. That?s right, I?...Real Solutions to the Energy and Climate Crises16 Dec, 2009 02:00 pm As my regular readers know, I've spent much of this year contemplating big themes, like the long-term picture for energy, energy and monetary policy,...Coal - fuel of the future?14 Dec, 2009 04:38 pm Two pieces of news provide evidence of a fightback by coal. American Electric Power's Mountaineer plant in West Virginia is reporting significant success...How green is the green flagship city of the developing world?11 Dec, 2009 08:47 pm During the COP-15 negotiations, where can we find an example of a sustainable city in the developing world? Google the question and you get an answer:...2010 Cleantech Predictions10 Dec, 2009 01:58 pm My good friends over at Cleantech Group put out their 10 for 2010 cleantech predictions after Thanskgiving, and after our usual "webside" chats on the...COP15: The Time is Now9 Dec, 2009 02:08 pm In spite of the recent weeks of roller coaster-like expectations for a positive outcome from the COP15 climate conference that got underway Monday,...COP15 Primer : Developing Action to Reduce Global Warming Pollution7 Dec, 2009 03:30 pm I'll discuss the willingness of developing countries to undertake significant emissions reductions on their own that tangibly reduce the growth of their...Sceptic Ian Plimer on global warming: "my theories are more evocative and sensual"8 Dec, 2009 10:57 am Professor Ian Plimer is one of the most influential global warming sceptics. A university academic in Australia, his trenchant views on climate change...Climate Conundrum Continues in Run-up to Copenhagen4 Dec, 2009 09:13 am The United States may be stuck in the middle of a climate conundrum. A proposal to establish border tariffs to account for the carbon associated with the...United States Half Way to 2020 CO2 Goal3 Dec, 2009 09:47 am For the fifth consecutive year, EPA is reporting an increase in fuel efficiency with a corresponding decrease in average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions..."Biofuels would be actually worse than conventional gasoline"1 Dec, 2009 10:27 am According to a new study titled "Indirect Emissions from Biofuels: How Important, published online in Science on October 22,...Peak Oil : IEA's predictions seeming more and more infeasible with time25 Nov, 2009 10:28 am On November 9, the Uppsala University in Sweden published a report titled "The Peak of the Oil Age - The Uppsala World Energy Outlook"...The green race to the top26 Nov, 2009 12:37 pm If climate regulation will burden businesses or increase costs, then why are so many companies strengthening their voluntary response to the climate crisis...Can Renewables Replace Fossil Fuels?23 Nov, 2009 11:57 am With peak oil already upon us, sustaining oil supply is akin to running up a down escalator. Or, as Nate Hagens put it at the ASPO peak oil conference..."A failure in the Copenhagen process would be devastating for any chances to achieve 450ppm"20 Nov, 2009 03:16 pm IEA Head Energy Efficiency & Environment Division Richard Bradley talks to Scitizen about the World Policy Conference, the World Energy Outlook 2009 and..."Where next for Climate Refugees?"19 Nov, 2009 05:38 pm A new report of the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) predicts 150 million climate refugees by 2050 and calls for a new global legal framework...Gazprom Comes to the U.S.18 Nov, 2009 06:51 pm For several years, Gazprom has had surpassingly bad PR -- worse even than Exxon, which since the 19th century heyday of John D...The Real Policy Lesson From the Chinese Wind Turbine "Scare"12 Nov, 2009 11:02 pm Outcry over a planned Texas wind farm, which will be the first project to import wind turbines from a Chinese manufacturer, has resulted in calls to prevent...Nuclear generation costs - revisiting estimates (once again)10 Nov, 2009 02:06 pm The debate about the true level of nuclear electricity generation cost is far to be closed. The estimates are regularly reviewed and updated...Algae to the rescue5 Nov, 2009 04:19 pm I?m more convinced than ever that liquid fuels from algae will be a major component of our energy and environmental future...Counting All the Carbon7 Nov, 2009 04:00 pm Last Thursday, an editorial in the Wall St. Journal referred to a paper in the latest issue of Science entitled, "Fixing a Critical Climate Accounting...Senate Climate Bill Produces Little But Partisan Heat5 Nov, 2009 04:19 pm Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California), chairperson of the Energy and Public Works Committee (EPW), plans to proceed with markup of the Kerry-Boxer Clean...Go Nuclear to Avert Climate Change2 Nov, 2009 02:58 pm It is proposed by the U.K. government's chief scientific advisor that we should go for nuclear to avert climate change but time and uranium supplies are...Hydrogen to play a key role in the transportation sector30 Oct, 2009 11:48 am Although much of the ink these days about innovative vehicles relates to plug-in hybrids, work continues to explore the potential for hydrogen-based fuel...Smart Grid: On its way?slowly29 Oct, 2009 11:11 am Yesterday, President Obama travelled to Arcadia, Florida, home to one of the nation?s biggest solar power plants, to announce 100 grants providing a total...Where are the Swing Voters on the Climate Bill?28 Oct, 2009 05:18 pm As the Senate environment committee starts to hold hearings on the climate change bill, we think there's one critical question for the senators: Who are...The wider lessons from nuclear power cost inflation26 Oct, 2009 03:32 pm The Guardian newspaper of Monday 19 October broke the story that the UK government is preparing to guarantee a minimum price for carbon dioxide emissions...Resource Nationalism: The Last Stand for the Oil Optimists23 Oct, 2009 03:53 pm The price of oil has more than doubled from its nadir of $30 a barrel earlier this year. To explain the resilience of oil prices in the face of a severe...Green housing for the poor22 Oct, 2009 02:00 pm Lots has been written and said about green skyscrapers (like Bank of America?s $1 billion tower in Manhattan) and green campus buildings and even,...Delaying climate chaos19 Oct, 2009 07:07 am Here's a fascinating and very timely paper that?s just been published in the PNAS, Reducing abrupt climate change risk using the Montreal Protocol and...CLASSICAL CHAOS IN QUANTUM WORLD15 Oct, 2009 05:19 am Professor Poul Jessen of the University of Arozone explored through experiment that the worlds of quantum mechanics and classical are connected through...The Necessity of "All of the Above"15 Oct, 2009 12:58 pm I've devoted a lot of space in my blog to explaining why we need all of the energy choices currently available to us, including energy efficiency,...Energy Efficiency: How NOT To Do It13 Oct, 2009 03:31 pm On October 5, First Energy (NYSE: FE) announced a planned energy efficiency program, involving the delivery of two compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs)...Look Under the Hood of the Climate Negotiations12 Oct, 2009 01:36 pm The two-week global warming negotiations in Bangkok, Thailand are just wrapping up. There are five key elements to the Copenhagen Agreement.Crossing Borders in European Gas Networks10 Oct, 2009 04:36 pm Demand for gas is on the rise in Europe, yet its indigenous production is in decline. The need for imports from remote sources will grow...New MIT Study: Smaller Cuts, If Taken Now, Can Minimize Climate Risk9 Oct, 2009 09:24 am Even "moderate" cuts in greenhouse gas emissions may be sufficient to avoid the most catastrophic consequences of climate change, says new MIT study...EU Set To Enter Clean Energy Race with $73 billion for R&D8 Oct, 2009 08:32 am Europe is planning to stage a grand entrance into the clean energy race by investing approximately $73 billion in clean energy research,...Battery 5006 Oct, 2009 01:19 pm Do you want universe-reshaping disruptive technology? Do you want to experience a classic "knee in the curve" transition? Do you want to see something...Carbon nanotube springs have potential to compete with batteries5 Oct, 2009 02:46 pm MIT scientists find that carbon nanotubes springs have potential to store as much energy as lithium-ion batteries. They are also more reliable and more...Exceptional results from biochar experiment in Cameroon2 Oct, 2009 12:27 pm Biochar Fund has reported extremely encouraging first results from its field trials in South West Cameroon. Working with small groups of subsistence farmers...Oil Optimists Grow More Outlandish24 Sep, 2009 06:07 pm As the troubling realities of future oil supplies begin to penetrate official circles, the oil optimists are making even more outlandish claims.SunRun: A new deal for solar18 Sep, 2009 05:50 pm Until recently, you had to be deep green?and have deep pockets?to put solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of your home. The costs were high?$20,...Fuel Cell Trains15 Sep, 2009 02:23 pm NPR's excellent Science Friday series is one of my favorite sources. I just caught up with a recent segment on the development of hydrogen-powered trains...A liquid solution to cut the price for fuel cells16 Sep, 2009 08:40 am A UK company called ACAL Energy has managed to cut the amount of platinum used in fuel cells by 80% and the price for fuel cells by 40%...Regenerative Agriculture: The Transition.11 Sep, 2009 08:30 am In the face of peak oil and in order to curb carbon emissions, methods of farming that depend less on oil and natural gas, respectively to run machinery...Can the production of nuclear materials for nuclear weapons be banned?10 Sep, 2009 12:24 pm An international treaty to ban the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons, referred to by US President Barack Obama on 5 April 2009 in Prague(1)...Biofuel Contenders7 Sep, 2009 02:11 pm On the other hand, there are some renewable fuel options that have either proven themselves as solid contenders, or have not yet demonstrated fatal flaws...Can Solar Compete?3 Sep, 2009 05:32 pm In this month's briefing on low-carbon electricity technologies, MIT's Technology Review concluded[1] that while the cost of solar power has declined significantly...Biofuels pretenders1 Sep, 2009 12:19 pm Broadly speaking, in the world of next generation biofuels there are contenders, pretenders, and niches. Over the past decade,...Burning Picassos for Heat26 Aug, 2009 11:05 pm Burning natural gas to extract and process oil from the Canadian tar sands has been likened by one industry insider to burning Picassos for heat...Electric Vehicle Charging Passes Inspection22 Aug, 2009 10:55 pm Plug-in Hybrids (PHEV) and Battery Electric Vehicles (EV) are destined for success. Thousands of key players have converged at the Plug-in 2009 Conference...Nano-capacitors: the root towards the super power battery20 Aug, 2009 10:50 am Nanostructured devices have the potential to serve as the basis for next-generation energy systems that make use of densely packed interfaces and thin...The Climate-Industrial Complex24 Aug, 2009 08:54 am According to the Center for Public Integrity the number of companies and groups now lobbying the US Congress on the subject of climate change has passed...The Influence of "Peak Oil"15 Aug, 2009 01:49 pm An article in the Washington Post this weekend, together with a must-read interview in The Independent, a paper I used to read regularly when I lived in...Britain's Impending Energy Crisis10 Aug, 2009 10:46 am By 2015, Britain's generating capacity could have dropped by a third as ageing coal and nuclear power stations are closed...Solar industry : "We are within 5-15 years of full competitiveness"8 Aug, 2009 10:11 pm Last week, solar-industry experts at a symposium of the National Academies in Washington DC on the topic of scaling up the solar industry complained that...Agroforestry & Sustainable Agriculture: Vast Potential to Lower Emissions, Store Carbon6 Aug, 2009 05:34 pm Researchers working on a joint World Agroforestry Centre-United Nations Environment Programme project suggest that integrating agroforestry in farming...The World Bank's coal problem1 Aug, 2009 12:32 pm In Washington, it's a popular climate conundrum everyone talks about: Even if the U.S. lowers its greenhouse gas emissions,...Can Mushrooms Save the World?30 Jul, 2009 07:08 pm Mycelium may offer a natural source of insecticides, antivirals, biological filters, ethanol fuel from cellulose, the means to clean land contaminated..."Li-ion batteries used for hybrid, electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles should be much more reliable than those for IT devices"28 Jul, 2009 05:48 pm A japanese team succeeded in observing the interior of the lithium battery by using the MRI (Magneting Resonance Imaging) technique,...Averting 22 Water-Electricity Crises in the United States27 Jul, 2009 09:29 pm Conventional power plants could create severe water shortages in 22 metropolitan areas by 2025.Is Canada Becoming a Petrostate?26 Jul, 2009 06:50 am Canada's increasing reliance on energy exports, especially oil from the Alberta tar sands, risk unsettling its politics and economy and turning the country...Are the proposed UK feed-in tariffs high enough to stimulate investment in small-scale generation?21 Jul, 2009 11:48 pm After months of deliberation, the UK government has announced a range of illustrative figures for feed-in tariffs (FiTs). FiTs are fixed payments made...Biodiesel from Sugar Cane14 Jul, 2009 10:14 am I was intrigued by a story in MIT Technology Today concerning a company that is applying biotechnology to convert Brazilian sugar cane to diesel,...The Human Impact of Climate Change2 Jul, 2009 06:10 pm The first comprehensive study into the human impact of climate change has revealed some scary statistics.An Energy Bill for the Other 92%4 Jul, 2009 08:18 am Now that the Waxman-Markey Bill, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009--all 1428 pages of it--has been narrowly passed by the House of Representatives...Tariffs in the Climate Bill30 Jun, 2009 11:18 pm A number of people have written to ask why I haven't commented on the climate bill. There are two reasons. First, the House and Senate versions are very...What does solar want? Lots!26 Jun, 2009 09:19 am Ordinarily, when an industry comes to Washington to seek special favors from the government, it hires a lobbyist or two, meets with members of Congress...Sustainable Energy25 Jun, 2009 10:27 am I just ran a quick search on Google Trends to check my hunch that the phrase "sustainable energy" has become a lot more common, lately...Which Matters Most? The Size of the Tap or the Tank?22 Jun, 2009 11:19 pm Energy optimists are fond of citing very large numbers for worldwide fossil fuel resources such as oil and natural gas. But they conveniently leave out...The greening of banking20 Jun, 2009 06:26 pm Wind turbines in Europe, micro-credit in Africa, organic mango-growing in Asia -- Dutch bank Triodos only finances sustainable projects...World's Most Powerful Laser Unveiled20 Jun, 2009 12:11 pm The world's most powerful laser was dedicated at the Livermore National Laboratory in California. It's designed to shore up the nation's aging nuclear...Do North Korean and Pakistan Nuclear ActivitiesThreaten Asian Security?17 Jun, 2009 10:40 pm The concerns about North Korea?s nuclear and missile tests come at the same time as concerns about the security of Pakistan?s nuclear weapons.It's Always Something16 Jun, 2009 06:38 pm I spend a lot of time thinking about the trade-offs involved with different energy options. Cheap petroleum has enabled numerous people a level of mobility..."Cancelling the Yucca Mountain repository will throw the entire nuclear waste management program into doubt"15 Jun, 2009 09:33 pm Following the Obama administration's decision to end the planning for Yucca Mountain, Nev., as the final repository for high-level radioactive material...Australia: A Climate Changing23 Jun, 2009 01:17 pm Droughts and Fires. Severe Heatwaves and Epic Flooding. Not only a picture painted by climate scientists of a future climate changed by global warming...Domestic heat pumps: enthusiasm needs to be tempered12 Jun, 2009 03:53 pm Domestic heat pumps: enthusiasm needs to be tempered Friday 12 June 2009 in uncategorized by Chris Goodall | No comments Mitsubishi Ecodan. Image source..."Synthetic materials can play an important role in solar energy"11 Jun, 2009 08:36 am Intersolar 2009, the world's largest solar technology trade fair, took place in Munich from May 27 to 29. 'PolyTrough 1200',...CAFE Convergence3 Jun, 2009 01:36 pm On May 19, President Obama announced a comprehensive framework for vehicle fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions. While I'm not sure I'd go quite as...Quantum Dots and Ultra-efficient Solar Cells?1 Jun, 2009 10:43 am Quantum dots - nanocrystalline particles - offer unique advantages in terms of photovoltaic efficiency, resitance to radiation and light payload in fabricated...Ultrathin, transparent and flexible solar cells30 May, 2009 04:42 pm Prof John Rogers and his colleagues from the University of Illinois developed a method to print ultrathin, semitransparent and flexible cells on plastic...Biofuel Industry Hopes to Recover with Next Generation Fuels27 May, 2009 04:09 pm The 31st Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals sponsored by NREL took place in San Francisco from May, 3 to May, 6...The Birth of an International Nuclear Fuel Bank?26 May, 2009 08:26 am In a speech on 5 April 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic, US President Barack Obama said that his Administration will: negotiate a new strategic arms reduction...Energy: The Achilles Heel of the Resource Pyramid22 May, 2009 04:24 pm When economists say that we have far larger mineral resources today than ever before, they are usually referring to a model known as the resource pyramid...I Never Cease to be Amazed18 May, 2009 05:34 pm Don't get me wrong, butanol is a fine fuel, and I have a special fondness for it. I would like to see it work out. But my observation is that people grossly...Will Japan react to North Korea's missile and nuclear programmes?14 May, 2009 09:19 am The Japan Times, in an article on 20 April 2009, reported that the former Japanese Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa suggested,...Climate Change | The Big Question18 May, 2009 11:19 am Look back over the last decade, and what stands out. There has been 3 major trends of discussion:Bail Out The Environment?18 May, 2009 11:19 am Across the globe, Governments have been bailing out their failing banks to save the worlds economy. But should they be bailing out something else?How much is it going to cost to decarbonise the economy?12 May, 2009 11:28 am The government wants to emphasise the affordability of climate change mitigation. It produces low estimates of the cost of low-carbon technologies...The Water Behind Ethanol7 May, 2009 01:42 pm While last year's "food vs. fuel" controversy has largely died down, thanks to lower corn prices, a new study from the University of Minnesota suggests...Trying to make me go to rehab, I?m saying Nano, Nano, Nano3 May, 2009 02:24 pm Amy Winehouse, who shot to stardom with her hit single ?rehab?, may never have to see rehab, if researchers have their way. Scientists have taken a significant...Geoengineering the Climate: Bad for You and Our Energy Future3 May, 2009 06:29 pm Proposals to reduce global warming through giant engineering projects or so-called geoengineering abound. Almost all are in the idea stage...Dirty bombs30 Apr, 2009 06:49 pm The murder of the former Russian intelligence agent Alexander Litvinenko by radioactive poisoning with polonium-210 dramatically brought home the potential...New industries: a dramatic use of energy29 Apr, 2009 10:00 am In a study published in Environmental Science &Technology, researchers from the MIT and the University of Kentucky used a thermodynamic framework to characterize...Sun In Quiet Spell5 May, 2009 11:12 am Climate Change is a hot topic of late. Global warming appears to be slowing despite increasing CO2 emissions, But could the sun hold the answer?Governments Must Cooperate for "Power-Down" as Oil Runs Out27 Apr, 2009 08:33 am Oil production is expected to fall by around 3% per year, beyond the oil peak. To avert catastrophe, oil-producing nations must agree to reduce their production...A closer look at geochemical carbon management24 Apr, 2009 08:55 am In view of the ever more pressing problem of climate change, options to reduce CO2 emissions and to increase CO2 sequestration become increasingly important...Why don?t we pick the low-hanging fruit?23 Apr, 2009 05:54 pm As a reporter who writes about business and the environment, I?ve heard the expression ?low hanging fruit? used to describe energy efficiency countless...North Korea's Missile and Nuclear Programmes19 Apr, 2009 11:21 am The nuclear programme of North Korea is again in the news. Selig S. Harrison, a specialist on South Asia and East Asia and a senior scholar of the Woodrow...Nanoparticles come at the top of occupational chemical risks22 Apr, 2009 09:10 pm It is estimated that each year there are 74,000 work-related deaths linked to hazardous substances encountered in the workplace...Perfect Energy16 Apr, 2009 08:17 am The recent start-up of the latest large-scale nuclear fusion experiment, the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,...Natural Gas Gaining Momentum8 Apr, 2009 09:52 am I have said a number of times that I would prefer to take the natural gas we use to make ethanol and just use it directly in compressed natural gas (CNG)...Biofuels and water3 Apr, 2009 09:29 pm The oil company Shell has announced that it will end its investments in wind energy. It intends to focus on biofuels. This remarkably comes at a time...The Wrong Enemy31 Mar, 2009 09:23 am While reading an article on oil company taxation in the Wall Street Journal, I ran across a quote from Treasury Secretary Geithner that crystallized my...Peak Oil... Demand for it, that is1 Apr, 2009 02:15 pm It is demand for oil that may peak as governments adapt to the problems of global warming, security of supply and an amplitude of market volatility that...Pollution Radar Exposes Urban Smog2 Apr, 2009 01:57 pm Scientists and industrials from the Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, the University of Leicester and EADS Astrium have developed a air quality mesure device...Is Thorium an Energy Alchemist's Dream?27 Mar, 2009 02:20 pm Advocates say that already existing thorium fuel and reactor technology could provide centuries and perhaps millennia of safe, abundant nuclear power...How many countries will get the bomb?23 Mar, 2009 09:07 pm Most, if not all, of the world?s political leaders pay lip service to the need to prevent the further spread of nuclear weapons to countries that do now...The Benefits of Plugging-In Your Vehicle18 Mar, 2009 04:11 pm Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles could drastically alter our conception of transportation for the better, but face potential social obstacles.The Nuclear Comeback14 Mar, 2009 06:03 pm The natural gas crisis caused by the cutoff of supplies from Russia earlier in the year crystallized for many nations the threat of being overly dependent...Wave energy: "There is a progression but with steps back from here and there"20 Mar, 2009 09:13 am With 830 km of coastline bording the country on the west and south, Portugal bets on wave power, which uses the energy in waves to produce electricity...And now: the good news...4 Mar, 2009 10:02 am These days, media are flooded with news about falling national products. ?Strongest fall since the 1980s?, or ?since the 1930s?,...Can President Barack Obama Save the Non-Proliferation Treaty?2 Mar, 2009 06:17 pm Those concerned about the fundamental challenges that face the international community ? including the threats posed by the proliferation of nuclear weapons...EPA To Begin Regulating New Coal-Fired Plant Carbon Emissions24 Feb, 2009 07:36 pm The Environmental Protection Agency has made a start with the active regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from newly built coal-fired power plants...GE & Google say: Get Smart24 Feb, 2009 07:37 pm Google?s working on a software, called the Google PowerMeter, to show consumers their consumption in real time. As Ed Lu, a Google executive (and former...Thinking Positive - Carbon Capture.9 Feb, 2009 07:59 pm In principle carbon capture using regenerative agriculture, ocean seeding/phytoplankton growth, biochar and algae production, coupled with societal relocalisation...French folly3 Feb, 2009 02:21 pm Strange ways to use science were not and are not the prerogative of the Bush government. A case in point is France, once justly famous for its contribution...Over the Cliff for Natural Gas in North America?26 Jan, 2009 09:23 am Is natural gas production in North America headed for cliff? No one can know for sure; but all signs point down.Gap Oil21 Jan, 2009 04:52 pm It is Gap Oil not Peak Oil that is the problem. Rising demand for oil will exceed the quantity of it that can be withdrawn from the earth,...Alternative Energy And Natural Gas13 Jan, 2009 06:08 pm At the end of the first full work week of the new year--a week I suspect I am not alone in having found a bit of a slog--a pair of articles in MIT's Technology...Mercury and Compact Fluorescent Bulbs8 Jan, 2009 01:50 pm Compact fluorescent bulbs are rapidly replacing incandescent bulbs. Recently, the European Commission opted for a phase out of the latter in the next decade...A Nuclear Renaissance in the Middle East?31 Dec, 2008 11:54 am It is difficult to see how the security threats raised by the spread of nuclear power to the Middle East can be controlled except by the strengthening...A Recent History of Oil Prices.28 Dec, 2008 01:39 pm The price of oil has oscillated from an all-time hike of almost $150 a barrel to a low of $30, hand in hand with the credit-crunch and the inextricable...Energy and money22 Dec, 2008 12:59 pm Is energy merely another commodity among many in the modern industrial economy? Or is it the very basis of our financial and material life?"Proliferation is a state issue"15 Dec, 2008 10:04 pm Nuclear energy power plants may be booming in the next few years. What risks of nuclear weapons proliferation might this bring?...Poznan: It?s all a pregame show11 Dec, 2008 12:29 pm Strip away the mind-numbing complexity of this week?s high-level, multinational negotiations over a UN global climate change treaty and you are left with...Cheap Gas9 Dec, 2008 11:58 am As rapidly as it has fallen, the average pump price of unleaded regular gasoline in the US still has a ways to go, to end up lower on Barack Obama's Inaugural...Another Way to Skin the Carbon Cat9 Dec, 2008 11:56 am by Richard T. Stuebi. The challenges associated with climate change are so daunting -- so much emission reductions to achieve, so much money to invest...The undiscussed supply chain9 Dec, 2008 11:56 am The extraction of uranium is dangerous, leaves a toxic legacy for millions of years in vulnerable parts of the world, and is hardly conducted in an ethical...?Higher and lower oil prices may affect demand, but the effect will be very limited?5 Dec, 2008 10:14 pm Ali Hussain, oil consultant and former OPEC officer, answers Scitizen?s questions about the possible effect of OPEC measures on oil demand...A huge fall off in demand? ?We actually haven?t seen it yet!?3 Dec, 2008 11:08 pm Andrew Sutton, an oil market expert, gives Scitizen his opinion on what is happening with oil demand. He argues that the market are ?selling the news?...Yucca Mountain: Natural Zeolite to Prevent Nuclear Leakage.4 Dec, 2008 09:24 pm The long term security of the Yucca Mountain storage facility for nuclear waste will depend on a complex interplay between human engineering and natural...The Economic Crisis as a Window of Opportunity1 Dec, 2008 10:58 am The twin pillars of climate change and peak oil has recently been joined into a troika of challenge, with the onset of the global economic crisis...Of Speculative Bubbles, the Crisis in Finance, Corn & Ethanol26 Nov, 2008 12:08 pm By Andrew Burger. Alternative energy and clean technology businesses and investors are rightfully concerned that the credit crisis and the utter and complete...Made-to-Measure Medicines8 Dec, 2008 09:38 pm The concept of pharmacogenomics has been around for decades but only now in the age of the genome is true progress being made in its application...Civil plutonium can be used to make effective nuclear weapons15 Dec, 2008 10:02 pm Can the plutonium recovered from spent civil nuclear-power reactor fuel elements (civil plutonium) be used to fabricate nuclear weapons with significant...A New Chapter on Climate Change21 Nov, 2008 11:30 am President-elect Obama recorded a message for the Global Climate Summit, promising "a new chapter of American leadership on climate change."Future War Revisited21 Nov, 2008 11:18 am Think of a futuristic war scenario where soldiers are firing smart weapons from the confines of their command centres. Weapons that are capable of intercepting...A totally electric America21 Nov, 2008 12:13 pm In introductory remarks to his first press conference, President-elect Barack Obama on November 7, 2008 said, ?The auto industry is the backbone of American...Reducing standby power consumption20 Nov, 2008 05:38 pm When new electrical devices are bought, the mind of the consumer tends to be firmly on the purchase price. Producers and sellers often reinforce this bias...Obama Seeks Urgent and Quick Action on Climate Change14 Nov, 2008 11:19 am While reassuring the world that ?there is only one president at a time? in the United States, president-elect Barack Obama is sending definitive signals...World Energy Outlook 2008 Released13 Nov, 2008 03:59 pm Yesterday the International Energy Agency (IEA) released their much anticipated (and previously leaked) World Energy Outlook 2008.A new Uranium boost in the West ?13 Nov, 2008 03:59 pm Nuclear power is a sticking point in the debate over energy security in the US. Uranium mines and mills have begun re-opening to provide access to a key...The security consequences of the nuclear renaissance11 Nov, 2008 11:03 am On 30 October 2008, the Royal Society, the British academy of science, announced the launch of a major new study looking at whether planetary scale geoengineering...UK Scientists Compare Official G8 Proposals To Combat Climate Change With Real Carbon Cycle Data7 Nov, 2008 02:01 pm A few UK scientists have done a smart thing; they?ve combined the proposals of G8 policymakers for combating climate change with actual data on the status...Election Predictions for Cleantech and Carbon in a Post Obama World5 Nov, 2008 02:01 pm Here are the top 5 reasons tonight's election results mean lots of money for cleantech investors.Iran's Oil Shield Slips4 Nov, 2008 05:18 pm Between the US election and the gyrations of the financial markets, some important implications of the declining price of oil haven't received the attention...Oil Production Falls by Nine Percent; Civilization Ends.6 Nov, 2008 11:34 am In the absence of new investment to increase oil production, oil output is set to decrease by 9.1% per annum. This is the conclusion of a report by the...How Much Will New Nuclear Power Plants Cost?2 Nov, 2008 03:03 pm The costs of building new American nuclear reactors may be much higher than quoted by the industry.At both poles: ?Warming is directly attributed to human activities?30 Oct, 2008 07:04 pm Alexey Karpechko works at the University of East Anglia, and is co-author of a study published in this week?s issue of Nature Geoscience that shows that...IEA Report Leaked30 Oct, 2008 05:33 pm A much anticipated report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), World Energy Outlook, has been obtained in draft by Financial Times...Reinventing optical microscopy with nanotubes31 Oct, 2008 10:53 am Nanotube have a diameter two orders of magnitude smaller and about one order of magnitude longer than the size of the focal spot of the microscope...The (Not So) Invincible Society3 Nov, 2008 03:11 pm Policymakers and the public think of modern industrial society as being resilient and durable. Are they right?Canada's biofuels promise27 Oct, 2008 11:17 am An article giving an overview of Canada's bioenergy potential has been published on the Renewable Energy website. The author, Douglas Bradley...The strange case of algal biofuels29 Oct, 2008 12:19 pm Algal biofuels are hot. The focus is on the production of algal oil (glycerol esters of fatty acids). The aircraft maker Airbus ?welcomes the idea?...A military attack on Iran would be a serious blunder28 Oct, 2008 04:04 pm The coming American Presidential election has again focussed attention on Iran?s nuclear activities. Will the new President order the bombing of Iran?...Solar Powers more Vehicles as Gasoline use Drops23 Oct, 2008 11:05 am By John Addison. Solar is powering more vehicles. American?s have reduced their use of petroleum 5 percent this year. So far,...Biochar.... a Miracle to Save the Planet?14 Oct, 2008 10:55 am Biochar is a kind of charcoal, produced by the low temperature carbonization of biomass. During the pyrolysis process other materials are produced,...We can make it better10 Oct, 2008 12:42 pm The news on climate change is more than a little depressing. The IPCC Synthesis Report projects that by 2100 the global average temperature will be at...Blue Man Group on Global Warming7 Oct, 2008 08:41 pm Short video done by Blue Man Group, about global warmingCould Russia become a biofuel superpower?6 Oct, 2008 10:21 am This is a bit of a long shot but reading this report in the UK's Daily Telegraph about Russia using big a good harvest as a foreign policy tool,...Transform America?s Approach to Energy R&D29 Sep, 2008 01:18 pm The U.S. federal government should fully fund ARPA-E, its transformative energy R&D organization.The Rockefeller Foundation and climate change26 Sep, 2008 01:43 pm I noted in early August that the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) closed its Center for Capacity Building, a center focused on social effects...The costs of drilling18 Sep, 2008 06:45 pm Robert Hahn, Reg-Markets Center at the American Enterprise Institute, and Peter Passell, senior fellow at the Milken Institute,...Words Matter: call it "climate disruption" says John P. Holdren16 Sep, 2008 10:30 am I first saw John P. Holdren speak at the Chicago Humanities Festival last year. I was very impressed by his savvy, big-picture take on the whole climate...Neural Nanomachines15 Sep, 2008 04:43 pm Earlier today, we posted an announcement about substantial new research grants available from the European Research Council. Meanwhile,...Carbon capture and storage is an end-of-pipe dream15 Sep, 2008 12:34 pm The Government is basing its enthusiasm for new coal-burning power stations on the notion of retrofitting CCS (carbon capture and storage) in the future...METALS SHORTAGES.16 Sep, 2008 11:04 am It is not only an impending gap in demand and supply of oil that imposes upon the conservation of human civilization, the pressing and imminent depletion...Oil Prices and the Mayflower Problem29 Aug, 2008 02:34 pm Do oil prices really tell the market what it needs to know when it needs to know it?Our New Sputnik Moment13 Aug, 2008 07:01 pm Jesse Jenkins and I published two op-eds recently, one in the San Francisco Chronicle and one in the Baltimore Sun, outlining a proposal for a National...Alzheimer's Breakthrough Treatment?4 Aug, 2008 08:18 am People suffering early and moderate Alzheimer's have great reason for hope today as a new medication appears to materially impact of the disease in Stage...The Nuclear Future That Never Arrived29 Jul, 2008 02:57 pm Understanding how the great hopes of early nuclear power advocates eventually turned into great disappointment may shed some light on nuclear power's future...Unexpected perspectives30 Jul, 2008 09:46 pm The EPOXI mission of NASA?s Deep Impact spacecraft took pictures of Earth late in May 2008 from 31 million miles away, with the goal of examining Earth...Ineos goes down the Fischer-Tropsch route to ethanol from municipal waste23 Jul, 2008 10:02 am Ineos goes down the Fischer-Tropsch route to ethanol from municipal waste, according to a press release from the company, reported on ICIS news and in...Carbon Forest Protection Payments: Who Gets the Check?16 Jul, 2008 03:15 pm I have long protected my forests, now where is my money? The Rights and Resources Initiative provides some interesting cautionary advice in new reports...Do food miles matter?17 Jul, 2008 09:56 am There?s no doubt that buying and eating local food is a hot trend. But is it good for the environment?Nuclear power: False climate change prophet?21 Jul, 2008 09:31 am A new study reveals that nuclear power is not as clean as the industry claims.Are biofuels causing food price rises?18 Jul, 2008 04:11 pm The Gallagher Review into biofuels has a view on how the diversion of food into biofuel crops affects prices but its not clear...Electrify America: The Founders Were Right, Let's Look to France!25 Jul, 2008 11:14 am "The French are most advanced in all manner of Arts, and refined Conversation, and in the Use of electric Cars." - Thomas Jefferson,...Show Me10 Jul, 2008 10:28 am A kick out of this story from the newest issue of Subsidy Watch: New research from Missouri refutes allegations that ethanol mandates save money...Tidal vs Nuclear4 Jul, 2008 10:41 am Even as Gordon Brown gives support for more nuclear newbuild, tidal stream energy makes big strides forwards while nuclear costs rise and problems continueAlternative Energy Will Win Hands Down3 Jul, 2008 04:14 pm If we develop common-sense new ideas, we won?t be importing oil, not to mention the new jobs created. As an energy inventor, here?s how I see it.911 Dog to be Cloned--It Won't Be the Same Dog8 Jul, 2008 01:29 pm A dog that sniffed out survivors after 9/11 has won a contest to be cloned.More "Anti-Science" McCarthyism7 Jul, 2008 09:14 am Good grief, there they go again. If you disagree with the progressive political view, er, I mean, the "scientific consensus,...Adult Stem Cells: The New Plastic Surgery?27 Jun, 2008 05:23 pm A new article in Live Science predicts that adult stem cells may replace silicone breast implants and other contemporary plastic surgery techniques...The E.P.A., California, and carbon dioxide26 Jun, 2008 12:55 pm Remember how the State of California sued the Environmental Protection Agency last November to force a decision on whether it could get a waiver to impose...Hell in a handbasket?24 Jun, 2008 11:35 am So what is information technology doing to our brains? Neuroscientist Susan Greenfield has written a book about the upside and the downside of a world...Green power player23 Jun, 2008 04:11 pm Who?s the most powerful person in the world of green business? It might be Jeff Immelt, Lee Scott, John Doerr, Tom Friedman.....Oil Shortage a Myth30 Jun, 2008 10:42 am I submitted the following letter to The Independent, in response to an article entitled as above. There is an essential difference between the total volume...Airlines, emitting and spinning?10 Jun, 2008 09:26 pm Few businesses are as beleaguered as the airline industry. So I can understand why the airlines don't want their greenhouse gas emissions regulated...World Lithium Supplies and Electric Vehicles.3 Jun, 2008 10:58 am In the potential conversion of the world's road fleet from oil-based fuel to electric or PHEV type transport, it is not the amount of lithium in total...Surely Taking Corn out of the Market will Raise the Price30 May, 2008 04:16 pm I've been in conversation with David Benson, about the role of biofuels in the current round of food price rises across the world.Who's Afraid of Nuclear Power? (Part 1)30 May, 2008 04:15 pm Almost every day seems to bring more horror stories on fossil fuels. We're bombarded with reports about global warming. The price of oil keeps increasing...Ahead of the Curve 2: States Lead on Climate Change29 May, 2008 11:05 am Part 1 of a 14-minute documentary on state governments' response to the growing threat of climate change.Will the Rate-of-Conversion Problem Derail Alternative Energy?23 May, 2008 02:02 pm Many alternative energy advocates claim that it is possible to replace our fossil fuel economy with one that runs on a combination of nuclear power and...John McCain on Energy Policy23 May, 2008 02:00 pm Senator McCain in North Bend, Washington on May 13 discussing energy policy and the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.Competing in the Green Economy22 May, 2008 01:04 pm With our current renewable energy policy, the U.S. risks losing its competitive edge in the green economy. Applied Materials President and CEO Michael...Redundant Ethanol Subsidies22 May, 2008 01:04 pm The proposed farm bill just sent to President Bush (and expected to be vetoed) contains several ethanol provisions. One is to cut the corn ethanol subsidy...Permanent Wood Sequestration as a Means to Solve the Global CO2 Problem28 May, 2008 11:57 am By Drs. Fritz Scholz and Ulrich Hasse: The increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere ranks first among the global environmental threads...The Youngest Galactic Supernova Remnant26 May, 2008 09:18 am The remains of the most recent supernova in our Milky Way galaxy, about 150 years ago at most, have been identified from radio and X-ray observations.The North Pacific Gyre Oscillation Links Ocean Climate and Ecosystem Change19 May, 2008 11:31 am During the last several decades, dramatic fluctuations in marine ecology have been observed off the western coast of the United States...Power From Formic Acid20 May, 2008 11:05 am One of the central challenges of our time is the supply of enough environmentally friendly and resource-efficient energy to our society.Daily Greens - Grolar Bears & Grease Thieves15 May, 2008 12:37 pm Put your hands up! Daily Greens investigates McCain's environmental proposals, why burglars have greasy fingers and a new hybrid species that'll rival...Bio-Char: An Eco-solution12 May, 2008 12:05 pm A segment on CNN discusses bio-char (biomass-derived black carbon).Technological Breakthrough in the Fight to Cut Greenhouse Gases14 May, 2008 09:13 am Two of the major problems facing scientists at the start of the 21st century are undoubtedly: combating climate change and breaking the reliance of the...Marine Pollution Control by Seaweed Planting and Composting12 May, 2008 12:05 pm According to a new study by researchers in China and Japan, we found that marine bacteria were helpful in enhancing composting process of wakame,...Oil, Gas-- and Carrots9 May, 2008 11:58 am (May 8, 2008) While oil and natural gas prices are skyrocketing, the world's energy consumers are trying to find ways to reserve oil and gas for themselves...It's 10 p.m. Do You Know Where Dad Is?9 May, 2008 11:59 am Barry Steinhart and Richard Atkinson debate tagging their father with a nanoscale tracking device to ensure his safety. The Power of Small panel discusses...Climate Change See Modern Echo in 1930's Dust Bowl9 May, 2008 11:59 am Farming pushed natural drought into disaster -- and could do so again...MIT Tracks Carbon Footprints of Different Lifestyles8 May, 2008 03:23 am In America, even the smallest footprints are large...UK Scientists Seeks to Ban Creation of "Humanzee"1 May, 2008 01:35 pm The UK is debating a new bill to govern the ethics of creating embryos.UN Rapporteur Talks about the Global Food Crisis1 May, 2008 01:35 pm he United Nations is expected to reveal a so-called battle plan to tackle the growing global food crisis. The meeting in Switzerland on Monday comes...Saudi to Keep Oil for Itself.6 May, 2008 06:43 pm King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has commanded that some recent finds of crude oil be left untapped to preserve the nation's oil-wealth for future generations...Carbon Markets Need a Strong Urge from the Government29 Apr, 2008 10:24 am A senior adviser on carbon management to PricewaterhouseCoopers and adjunct professor at UNSW's Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC),...The Costs of Major Energy Accidents, 1907 to 200729 Apr, 2008 12:11 pm Conventional energy technologies-- namely nuclear, coal, oil, gas, and hydroelectric power generators-- may kill more people than you think.The Smell of Money: Mixing Farm Waste to Make Energy25 Apr, 2008 09:57 am Engineers at Washington University in St. Louis, using an impressive array of imaging and tracking technologies, have determined the importance of mixing...Slowly Developing Primates are Not Dim-witted25 Apr, 2008 09:56 am Some primates have evolved big brains because their extra brainpower helps them live and reproduce longer, an advantage that outweighs the demands of extra...Unconscious Decisions in the Brain23 Apr, 2008 11:32 am Already several seconds before we consciously make a decision its outcome can be predicted from unconscious activity in the brain.Computer Models Simulate the Present-Day Climate Well22 Apr, 2008 11:40 am Information about climate and how it responds to increased greenhouse gas concentrations depends heavily on insight gained from numerical simulations by...The Role of Business in Tomorrow's Society14 Apr, 2008 12:36 pm This is a video by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development on the roles of businesses can play in the 21st century.Nepal's Electricity Woes10 Apr, 2008 04:40 pm Nepal does have one resource in abundance: water. And its neighbours are looking to exploit that resource to power their economies with hydroelectricty...Food Reward in the Absence of Taste Receptor Signaling10 Apr, 2008 04:40 pm It is well accepted that palatability, or the property of being pleasurable to the sense of taste, is a major factor leading to the overconsumption of...Can the natural gas economy become a reality?5 Apr, 2008 11:49 am Natural gas has been often been prophesied as the fuel of the future, one that will fill the gap when oil declines and give us the time we need to transition...New Organic Molecule in Space1 Apr, 2008 01:07 pm Scientists detect amino acetonitrile near the center of our Milky WayStreams are Important Nitrogen Filters in the Landscape31 Mar, 2008 01:12 pm If you plan to vacation at the beach this summer or open the tap for a clean glass of water, that small stream in your neighborhood may be more important...Ancient Tundra Fires Provide Clues for the Future of the Arctic28 Mar, 2008 12:46 pm The impacts of climate change in the Arctic depend strongly upon feedbacks between different components of the environment.Invasive Species Can Produce "Hotspots of Evolutionary Novelty"27 Mar, 2008 02:51 pm Biological invaders are organisms that rapidly spread and multiply after being introduced out of their native range. They are considered one of the most..."Fuelling Animals or Fuelling Cars": the U.S. Energy Policy and the Gulf of Mexico17 Mar, 2008 08:25 am Recently, the U.S. Senate announced its energy policy aims of generating 36 billion gallons annually of ethanol by the year 2022,...Clean Diesels14 Mar, 2008 10:51 am Modern diesel cars are not only quieter than their predecessors but also release considerably fewer exhaust fumes into the atmosphere...Changes in the Gulf Stream Correlates with Changes in Climate13 Mar, 2008 01:01 am A paper in this week's Nature studies the Gulf Stream in depth and the potential of this ocean current on influencing the climate...The Mystery of the Auroras13 Mar, 2008 01:01 am The arrival of spring heralds a season for enthusiasts to observe aurora borealis.Energy Trends & Technologies: Regent's Lecture at UC-Berkeley14 Mar, 2008 10:51 am Steven Koonin, Chief Scientist for BP & Professor of Physics, Caltech, gives a lecture on future energies. The world's demand for energy will grow by some...Obama Talks Energy11 Mar, 2008 11:42 am Sen. Obama poses a clean energy future as good for the economy as well as national security, proposing a $150 billion investment in renewable energies...Green Students Fundraise on CBC Morning News13 Mar, 2008 01:01 am Corey Berman and Michelle Boigon from Green Students Fundraising speaking live on CBC News Morning with Heather Hiscox on ways to become more energy-efficient...Green Computing11 Mar, 2008 11:43 am As companies expand, one of their concerns is restricting their carbon footprint. BBC World interviews Sean Whetstone, head of IT Services at Reed,...UK Climate Champions Go Dutch7 Mar, 2008 09:34 am A group of British teenagers, who won a nationwide competition in the UK to promote climate change issues- tour Holland to see the latest environmental...When Antarctica Went into Deep Freeze11 Mar, 2008 11:43 am Scientists from Cardiff University and Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales have found new evidence of climate change, which helps solve some of the...UK May Struggle to Meet Electricity Demands4 Mar, 2008 09:59 am A gap between demand and supply for electricity may strike the UK within 5 - 7 years, coinciding with the likely arrival of peak oil...I Wish I Could Fly27 Feb, 2008 11:13 am This intriguing, if badly-scanned, graph appears in the 13 February issue of The Guardian. It's a stark illustration of the pollution caused by the global...Hybrid Cars: A Troubled Future?3 Mar, 2008 02:54 pm According to a recent study, hybrid vehicles that run on both internal combustion engine and electric batteries are no more than a temporary step until...Virgin Airlines Flies Biofuel Plane26 Feb, 2008 10:51 am CNN's Rosemary Church speaks with Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines about the biofuel flight. The world's first biofuel-powered commercial aircraft...Full of Hot Air28 Feb, 2008 11:10 am Are you willing to pay $9 to fill up your gas tank? According to this author/investor, Matthew Simmons, who talks to the "Money Honey" on Wall Street Journal...The Pintadas Project27 Feb, 2008 11:13 am The film is about an SouthSouthNorth Adaptation project implemented in the semi-arid region of Brazil. The focus of the project is to improve agriculture...Reviving the Coral Reef20 Feb, 2008 12:37 pm A report from CNN examines a project which uses electricity to revive the dying coral reef in Bali.The sQuba18 Feb, 2008 01:04 pm A Swiss inventor, Frank Rinderknecht, has modeled a car that goes under water after one in a James Bond movie.A New Way to Assess Local Ecosystems Sustainability29 Feb, 2008 09:08 am Ecosystems are in flux around the world. Important species are disappearing due to mismanagement and climate change, while invasive new species are appearing...The Bad News about Going Green15 Feb, 2008 04:58 pm Wal-Mart. GE. DuPont. Starbucks. Timberland. Coke and Pepsi, Ford and GM, BP and Shell. Is there a big company in America that isn't saying all the right...Midwest Oil Refineries Gobble Up Canadian Tar Sands, Spew Greenhouse Gasses14 Feb, 2008 12:07 pm Midwest oil refineries are gobbling up more and more crude oil from Canadian tar sands and are set to belch out up to 40 percent more greenhouse gas emissions...UK Looks to a Nuclear Future14 Feb, 2008 12:04 pm Britain has given the go ahead for the construction of a new generation of nuclear power stations in its search for cleaner,...Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation Needs for Food Security in 203021 Feb, 2008 01:55 pm The potential impact of climate change on the world's poor is a topic with wide and growing interest, but there remains much uncertainty about how specifically...Nanovalve Material Captures and Stores Gases20 Feb, 2008 12:37 pm In a different approach to gas storage, a Ph.D. student, Brett Chandler and two professors, George Shimizu and David Cramb, at University of Calgary along...Storm on the Horizon13 Feb, 2008 07:30 pm Trouble is brewing. Trouble I have been warning about since I started writing this blog. Trouble that was a big factor in me starting to write this blog...Penguin Peril12 Feb, 2008 11:53 am How will Antarctica's penguins adapt to climate change? John Blackstone spoke to a researcher studying penguin colonies at the bottom of the world...Focus on Nigeria: the SELF Project8 Feb, 2008 06:09 pm CNN's monthly series 'Global Challenges' travels around the world to bring feature reports on sustainable development, focusing on small-scale community...Molecular "Mouse-trap" for Stem and Cancer Cells8 Feb, 2008 06:09 pm Six years ago, biomedical engineer Michael King was exploring the strange rolling motion of white blood cells when his research took a radical turn.Massive Power Outages Hits China1 Feb, 2008 05:16 pm In China, Chinese people are facing severe power shortages. The main problem is that coal prices are rising, but the prices of electricity are fixed...Permaculture: = Permanent Oil-Dearth Culture1 Feb, 2008 05:17 pm Permaculture is both a strategy and a philosophy which may help us to re-adapt our societies in order to survive as a collective of small communities...Does Carbon Trading Really Work?29 Jan, 2008 05:03 pm Larry Lohmann, the editor of Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, discusses carbon trading.Building a Better Bacterium for Butanol25 Jan, 2008 07:30 am A group of University of Alberta students have spent the summer working on building a new kind of bacteria: one that might hold some answers to the planet's...Challenges in Making Superstrong Materials Based on Carbon Nanotubes28 Jan, 2008 10:07 pm Thinking of carbon nanotube (CNT) composites, one might expect superstrong materials. But a closer look at the steep challenges to improve the mechanical...Butanol: the New Catchphrase in Biofuels?25 Jan, 2008 07:30 am Dr Lars Angenent at Washington University in St. Louis talks briefly about his research on making butyrate from plant biomass.Nanotechnology in Medicine: Massive Advances on a Tiny Scale24 Jan, 2008 01:15 pm Professor Naomi Halas at Rice University (TX) discusses her nanotechnology research and its applicable uses in science and medicine of the future. (CNN)Spatial Pattern and Mechanism of Heat Content Change in the North Atlantic5 Feb, 2008 04:30 pm Parts of the Earth?s climate system are clearly changing through anthropogenic forcing: a rise in surface and atmospheric temperatures,...Working Together to Prevent Decline of Coastal Ecosystems31 Jan, 2008 04:32 pm Recent scientific studies have documented the alarming decline in coastal ecosystems and habitats worldwide.On Algal Biodiesel29 Jan, 2008 05:11 pm Eons ago, microalgae (tiny plants) growing in primeval oceans died and formed a layer on the sea bed. Over geological time, i.e., millions of years,...Prof Stewie Frank Discusses Climate Change, Flood, and Drought Frequency23 Jan, 2008 09:42 am Professor Stewart Franks from the University of Newcastle looks at climate change over the last 100 years and identifies the likelyhood of more floods...Richard Heinberg on a Post-Carbon Future22 Jan, 2008 10:14 am Ecologist Richard Heinberg, author of The Party's Over, Power Down, The Oil Depletion Protocol, and Peak Everything, talks about energy wars,...The Exploration of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth in West Antarctica23 Jan, 2008 09:43 am Ever since the discovery, ten years ago, of Lake Vostok as a large deep freshwater body beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, scientists have been fascinated...Syphilis Origins Solved?21 Jan, 2008 12:09 pm A new paper in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases attempts to tackle a rather sensitive topic...Annapolis Police "Go Green" with New Rides17 Jan, 2008 10:38 am The police department in charge of patrolling the state house and other government buildings in Annapolis, Maryland is going green. (WBAL TV, Baltimore)Question about Long-Term Tropical Forest Decline22 Jan, 2008 10:16 am Despite widespread concern about tropical forest loss, plenty of local evidence of deforestation and frequent estimates of global deforestation rates,...The Coal Question Revisited17 Jan, 2008 10:59 am Many people believe the world has enough coal to last hundreds of years. Recent assessments now suggest that coal production could actually start to decline...The Merger of GDF and SUEZ15 Jan, 2008 11:54 am In an interview with the European Energy Review, Professor Chevalier discusses the merger between Gaz de France (GDF) and Suez and its economic,...Human Development Report 2007 - Interview with Mary Robinson14 Jan, 2008 12:09 pm Interview with Mary Robinson, former UN Human Rights Commission talking about climate change as a human right.A Not-So-Bubbly Fate for Sea Floor Methane17 Jan, 2008 10:38 am Good news about methane bubbling up from the ocean floor near Santa Barbara, CaliforniaClimate Change Linked to Human Mortality14 Jan, 2008 12:10 pm Scitizen interviews Dr. Mark Jacobson, whose recent study demonstrates a cause-effect relationship between increased levels of carbon dioxide and increase...Green Car Conversions11 Jan, 2008 10:42 am DieselGreen Fuels in Austin, Texas is a company that converts cars that run on diesel to cars that will run on vegetable oil.Will Nuclear Power Stations be Insurable?11 Jan, 2008 10:42 am The Government has announced its decision on nuclear power, which is SUCH a surprise!Wave of Support for Approval for Switchgrass10 Jan, 2008 01:37 pm Simon Robinson writes on his blog about the reaction regarding switchgrass as a biofuels source.Switchgrass Science10 Jan, 2008 01:37 pm At the University of Tennessee, switchgrass is all the buzz - a plant that's farmer & environment-friendly, and a cheap alternative to high-priced corn...Fueling Up at the Air Pump: Air-Powered Car7 Jan, 2008 10:20 am In a superb leap of eco-tech, Guy Negre and son, Cyril, have created a car that runs on compressed air. Too good to be true? (BBC News)Renewables-Based Technology.4 Jan, 2008 12:25 pm Making hydrogen from sugar is not feasible on any sensible scale, since to do so would require using the world's arable land in competition with food production...My Top 10 Energy Stories of 20073 Jan, 2008 11:53 am On his blog, R-Squared Energy Blog, Robert Rapier shares his top 10 energy stories of 2007.Oil Hits $100 per Barrel3 Jan, 2008 11:47 am Crude oil prices have spiked, briefly reaching $100/barrel yesterday, and it may not be over. CNN's Jim Boulden reports. The Middle East is not so sure...Rizhao, a Solar-Powered City in China8 Jan, 2008 11:20 am Australia news media, SBS, is praising a China north City, Rizhao, for its using solar power to save environment.Action on Surfaces: Moving Molecules and Nano Particles on Surfaces28 Dec, 2007 02:13 pm To build devices at molecular scale, we need to control the position, orientation and movement of individual molecules on surfaces...U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidates on Subsidies for Biofuels27 Dec, 2007 12:05 pm Christopher Dodd, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton describe how they would address subsidies, conservation, and biofuels at "The Des Moines...Oklahoma's "Green Gold"2 Jan, 2008 11:22 am Oklahoma is in the race to develop alternative energy sources to help reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.Philippine Oil Palm Cultivation Raises Food Concerns2 Jan, 2008 11:22 am Al Jazeera's Marqa Ortigas in the Southern Philippines reports on how the palm oil industry has raised fear for local food supplies and sustainable practiceWater, Beer, and the White House27 Dec, 2007 12:05 pm Marc Gunther discusses the topic of climate change in the upcoming 2008 U.S. presidential election.Trading Pollution for Clean Development28 Dec, 2007 02:12 pm This film, in 2 parts, gives an introduction to global warming and the Kyoto Protocol. It shows how one NGO in Karnataka is trading reduced carbon emissions...Improving Soil Strength Under Roads with Ethanol Co-Products27 Dec, 2007 12:05 pm Iowa?s soil is great for growing corn. But it?s not so great for building roads. Iowa?s soil is mostly soft clay and till deposited by glaciers. It?...My Predictions for 200820 Dec, 2007 01:31 pm Each year the Center for Bioethics and Culture asks me to predict what will happen in the next 12 months regarding the major bioethical and biotechnological...Human Influence on Ecology18 Dec, 2007 11:30 am Scientists have reclassified biomes like deserts and forests into ecosystems that show how humans have altered the Earth. Jorge Ribas (Discovery News)...Charlie Hall's Balloon Graph19 Dec, 2007 10:11 am Energy researcher Charlie Hall's balloon graph challenges the notion that alternative energy sources will provide a smooth transition to a post-fossil...Habitat Protection for the "Big Picture" of Environment Conservation27 Dec, 2007 12:08 pm Amphibians across the globe are facing a mass extinction event, believed by many to be worse than any other witnessed by humans...Bali Conference: Feinstein on Final Negotiations17 Dec, 2007 11:05 am US Green Party member Mike Feinstein reports on the controverisal breakdown of negotations on the final morning of the United Nations Framework Convention...Bali Buzz: U.S. Finally Dragged Kicking and Screaming into UN Climate Deal17 Dec, 2007 11:06 am Apparently the United States delegation to the Bali International Climate Negotiations - well, the fake delegation, not the real delegation - has finally...Turbocharged Human Evolution13 Dec, 2007 04:25 pm I?ve heard people say that selection pressure on humans has relaxed?or we have slipped from its grip to some degree?and that as a result human evolution...Australian Boost for Kyoto12 Dec, 2007 10:56 am Kevin Rudd, Australia's new prime minister, has formally handed over the papers for his country's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol on climate change...Bali Climate Change Conference: Clarification on Emission Reductions11 Dec, 2007 10:45 am Yvo de Boer, the Executive Secretary for the UNFCCC, clarifies the situation regarding emission reductions.Large-Scale Use of Harvest Residues for Biofuel Production: a Bad Idea20 Dec, 2007 01:31 pm Plans for large scale use of harvest residues to produce biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel will be detrimental to soil quality...A Red Sea Dam: Huge Power and Massive Destruction18 Dec, 2007 11:30 am Today?s technological know-how makes it possible to construct a dam across the southern entrance of the Red Sea. Evaporation is high in the Red Sea,...Bali Climate Change Conference: Green Trade Plan10 Dec, 2007 10:46 am BBC discusses the US-EU proposal of a green trade proposal and its implication of the divided interests of developed and developing countries with Reza...Seeding the Ocean: a Discredited Strategy10 Dec, 2007 10:51 am New research indicates that the putative strategy of "seeding" the oceans with iron filings and other nutrients in an effort to cause blooms of phytoplankton...Time to Ask Congress for a Down Payment on the Future10 Dec, 2007 10:47 am The House has a new energy proposal out that you should support. Not because it's perfect, but because it's the right thing to do right now,...After Cheap Oil12 Dec, 2007 10:56 am This is a short article follow-up to my earlier article "Peak Oil and Climate Change: A Call to Peaceful Arms". Although I do revisit a few issues from...Did a Starchy Diet Fuel Gene Copying in Early Humans?11 Dec, 2007 10:45 am Biologists usually think of gene mutations as the raw material for evolution. But a wide-ranging analysis of a correlation between genes and diet across...Together Better than Alone: Network of Wind Farms Can Generate Smoother Power Supply7 Dec, 2007 06:24 pm Wind is a clean and never ending source of energy, but also an unreliable one, because it blows intermittently. This intermittency and unpredictability...Large Hadron Collider (2/3)29 Nov, 2007 10:58 am This part of the documentary from BlueSci continues with the LHC project and discusses one of the most anticipated aspects of the LHC in the search for...What's Really Wrong With Nuclear Power?30 Nov, 2007 01:30 pm In terms of its achievable potential, financial and social cost, and even carbon dioxide emissions, nuclear power is not an optimal solution.Just Plain Weird: An Odd Star Proves to Be a New Type of Object5 Dec, 2007 10:35 am On the night after Thanksgiving two years ago, I was at the Keck Telescope, trying to identify some very blue objects in the sky...Industrialized Kyoto Countries Can Meet Reductions, If...27 Nov, 2007 10:41 am On Tuesday, the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat announced (also here) that although emissions from 40 industrialized countries almost reached...Bacterial Genomes and Evolution29 Nov, 2007 10:59 am The seminar that I give most often when I am invited to speak at other universities begins with a brief introduction to genomes,...Greater Groundwater Loss Due to Rising Seal Levels28 Nov, 2007 11:29 am People who live near the coast could lose their fresh water supplies due to sea-level rise caused by global climate change. Our study indicates that they...Fertilizing the Ocean to Slow Global Warming22 Nov, 2007 11:00 am Scitizen interviews Professor Oliver Wingenter, of the Department of Chemistry at New Mexico Tech, who recently suggested fertilizing the ocean to grow...Ethical Stem Cell Breakthrough! "Like Turning Lead Into Gold"21 Nov, 2007 10:54 am A huge advancement in stem cell research--and a stake in the heart of human cloning--was announced yesterday.A Theorist's Pencil and One Layer of Carbon Atoms, Graphene26 Nov, 2007 02:45 pm Graphite consists of layers of atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice. A single layer of carbon atoms, called graphene has unique electronic properties...Midwest Climate Pact Generates Little Attention20 Nov, 2007 11:04 am Midwest Governors (plus Canadian officials) signed a couple of climate agreements in Milwaukee last Thursday.Green Roofs: Ecosystem Services and Research Frontiers26 Nov, 2007 02:00 pm Green roofs are roofs with vegetation and substrate. They promote energy conservation in buildings, reduce the urban heat island effect,...Clarke's Wager20 Nov, 2007 11:04 am Some 350 years ago, mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal argued that it is better to wager for the existence of God than against it since the benefits...Some Thoughts on Carbon Taxes, Cap-and-Trade Programs, and Income Distributions20 Nov, 2007 03:35 pm From an economist's perspective, the carbon problem is straightforward: figure out the "right amount" of carbon and then put policies in place to get...Surprising Sustainability of Great Plains Agriculture22 Nov, 2007 11:01 am A century-long examination of trends in population, farm income and crop production in the Great Plains reveals stability of farm income and population...The Link Between Agricultural Erosion and Global Warming19 Nov, 2007 10:37 am Carbon emissions are of great concern worldwide because they trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere and are a major cause of global climate change...Do the World?s Oceans Take Up Less Carbon Dioxide?19 Nov, 2007 11:33 am The answer is: Yes, for the North Atlantic over the last decade.The Island Rule: Made to be Broken?25 Nov, 2008 05:51 pm Think of island-dwelling animals and enormous Kodiak bear, giant tortoises, and huge man-eating lizards alongside miniature mammoths,...Climate Change Politics12 Nov, 2007 12:52 pm President Bush is willing to sign climate change legislation, if Congress passes a bill that meets with his approval. That, at least, is what U.S...Will Berkeley Spark a Solar Revolution?8 Nov, 2007 11:39 am Yesterday, the Berkeley City Council unanimously approved an ordinance that will finance PV systems and energy efficiency improvements for homeowners in...The Bust of the Great Ethanol Boom8 Nov, 2007 10:36 am President Bush promised to expand American biofuel production, but the result has been worse than nothing. Corn is a poor source for energy,...Biofuels and Rationality7 Nov, 2007 11:30 am There were several studies on biofuels issued last week, while I was away...Post-Peak Oil (PPO) and Climate Change: A Call to Peaceful Arms23 Nov, 2007 11:34 am This is a short article on community transformation in a time of preparation for a post cheap oil future. On the face of it,...High Oil Prices = High Biofuel Prices6 Nov, 2007 11:47 am You know that forever I have beaten the drum that high fossil fuel prices would make biofuels more expensive due to their poor EROEI..A Vaccine for Cancer12 Nov, 2007 10:21 am Efforts to train the immune system to attack cancer cells has been met with limited success, mainly because the immune system recognizes cancer cells as...Has Peak Oil Been Reached? No!5 Nov, 2007 12:51 pm The Energy Watch Group released a report last week, stating that peak oil was reached in 2006. Scitizen sought the professional view of Dr Peter Jackson...Has Peak Oil Been Reached? Yes!5 Nov, 2007 06:52 pm The Energy Watch Group released a report last week, stating that peak oil was reached in 2006. Scitizen speaks to Mr Jorg Schindler,...Paving the Way2 Nov, 2007 10:09 am This is the second in a series of video podcasts for the PBS series e2 energy. Each podcast takes you beyond the episodes and deeper into the world of...Hubbert Peak Oil5 Nov, 2007 10:05 am The price of oil has risen to almost $100 a barrel - a figure unthinkable from almost one fifth of that five years ago. Whatever economic reasons may be...Harvesting the Wind30 Oct, 2007 12:02 pm This is the first in a series of video podcasts for the PBS series e2 energy. Each podcast takes you beyond the episodes and deeper into the world of alternative...Reporting from the Wall Street Journal29 Oct, 2007 12:59 pm I just finished reading an article from the Wall Street Journal that left me shaking my head.Slowing Cell Rolling in the Bloodstream2 Nov, 2007 10:10 am Cell rolling is an important physiological and pathological process that is used to recruit specific cells in the bloodstream to a target tissue...Making Biofuel from Straw?26 Oct, 2007 11:30 am Researchers from Warwick University assess straw as a source of alternative energy.Nano particles, medicine and heat conduction23 Oct, 2007 11:10 am Metal nano particles have a particularly large optical cross-section that can be used in high resolution imaging and treating cancer. Heat transport,...Oil Independence Possible for U.S. by 203026 Oct, 2007 11:49 am Oil independence is possible for the U.S. if comprehensive and aggressive energy policies are implemented aimed at reducing demand for oil,...Ad Astra! News and Discoveries from the the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn29 Oct, 2007 01:01 pm The Cassini-Huygens mission was launched on 15 October 1997; 10 years later, we speak to Professor Andrew Coates, head of Planetary Science Group in the...Brazil's Atlantic Forest Under Threat17 Oct, 2007 10:59 am Al Jazeera's Gabriel Elizondo travels to the Mata Atlantica, which is as rich in biodiversity as the more famous Amazon and in danger of disappearing under...Nanotechnology Researchers at Northwestern University Revolutionize Drug Delivery with Advanced Nanomaterials22 Oct, 2007 10:09 am Nanodiamonds, a revolutionary class of nanomaterials, are 2 nanometers in diameter in single-particle form, and can be manipulated to form clusters with...Fodor on Natural Selection16 Oct, 2007 11:50 am Philosopher Jerry Fodor offers up the latest example of a familiar genre: essays declaring the forthcoming demise of natural selection,...Biofuel Production Threatens Water Supplies in China and India11 Oct, 2007 05:03 pm A study released this week by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) reports that the biofuel production in China and India exacerbates the...Increase in Humidity: A Response to Human-Induced Climate Change11 Oct, 2007 04:40 pm Scientists have observed significant increase in the specific humidity (a measure of how much water vapour there is in a given volume of air) over the...Summer in the City 2050: City Swelter, Rural Roast15 Oct, 2007 11:00 am Global warming could nearly double heat-related mortality in the New York City metropolitan region by the 2050s. Researchers projected the future impacts...2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: Knockout Mice9 Oct, 2007 11:09 am The winners of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine were announced this morning.Late Stages of Planetary System Evolution: the Case of V 391 Peg b12 Oct, 2007 11:15 am Exoplanets are of high interest, not only because questions regarding alien life in the universe have accompanied humanity for a long time,...Ozone Modifies Pulmonary Innate Immune Response18 Oct, 2007 09:56 am It is well known that air pollution can cause health problems in susceptible populations. Our study, recently published in the Journal of Immunology,...Inverting Sustainable Development: Rethinking Ecology, Innovation, and Spatial Limits10 Oct, 2007 12:38 pm The public debate on environmental sustainability seems to be oscillating between two unsound extremes: either radical reforms aimed at dramatic reductions...Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV).5 Oct, 2007 05:40 pm Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is a version of photovoltaic (PV) technology which can be incorporated into the the roofs and walls of both commercial...Functional Genomic Screens in Stem Cells Using Clonal Microarrays10 Oct, 2007 12:18 pm The field of functional genomics explores the various functions of genetic sequences within the human genome. Gene function discoveries provide researchers...Spatial Patterns of Tropical Tree Species Retain Little Signature of Species Interactions8 Oct, 2007 04:30 pm A persistent challenge in ecology is to explain the high species diversity of tropical forests. One approach to facing this challenge is to analyze the...San Francisco's Green Power Goal: Solar Panels at San Francisco Airport (SFO)2 Oct, 2007 11:14 am Your Green Life Eco News is a 90-second news segment airing 4 times a day / 5 days a week (9:58a, 1:58p, 7:58p and 9:58p) on Your TV20 (KBWB-TV San Francisco)...Abrupt Environmental Change in Ward Hunt Lake, Canada's Northernmost Lake5 Oct, 2007 12:15 pm The northernmost lake in North America has not escaped the effects of recent global warming, according to a study recently completed by an international...Biofuels Could Boost Global Warming4 Oct, 2007 10:33 am A new study led by Nobel prize-winning chemist Paul Crutzen shows that the combustion of biofuels may release a larger amount of N2O,...DNA Markers and Computer Science Methodology Can be Used to Trace Individual Ancestry1 Oct, 2007 12:57 pm Genetic markers (variations in the DNA among individuals) can be used to infer population structure, a task that remains a central challenge in many areas...Why Care About Species Extinction?26 Sep, 2007 11:07 am The New Republic has a piece titled The Greatest Dying by Jerry Coyne & Hopi E. Hoekstra (see below the fold for how to read it for free if you don't have...Climate Change- Biggest Security Threat26 Sep, 2007 10:11 am News from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation: the Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty says that climate change will make border security...Climate change talks at U.N.25 Sep, 2007 12:46 pm The UN climate change meeting yesterday announced an upcoming round of new talks that must reach a breakthrough in reducing greenhouse gas emissions...Diet & brain evolution: another item on the menu25 Sep, 2007 12:46 pm At some point in the distant past, there was a dramatic increase in brain size in our hominid ancestors. From approximately 2 million years ago,...Junk DNA: Let me Say it One More Time24 Sep, 2007 03:58 pm The term "junk DNA" was not coined on the basis of not knowing what it does. It was not a cop-out or a surrender. Susumu Ohno coined the term in 1972 in...Nervous Conduction of Excitation Without Action Potentials3 Oct, 2007 12:08 pm The functioning of neuronal networks involves the conduction of excitation along the axon which is the wire-like part of the neuron...Nuclear vs. Coal: A False Choice?24 Sep, 2007 03:59 pm Anybody that has recently watched television discussions about electricity policy or read popular newspaper articles in the U.S...A Crude Awakening - The Oil Crash24 Sep, 2007 01:59 pm The idea that the world?s oil supplies have peaked, or will soon, is gaining mainstream currency. OilCrash, produced and directed by award-winning European...Kyoto Protocol, EU ETS and Determinants of CO2 Prices21 Sep, 2007 12:26 pm The Kyoto Protocol is the international response to climate change. By ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, industrialized countries make the commitment to reduce...Biodiversity: a "Rock-Paper-Scissors" Game Played at Multiple Scales26 Sep, 2007 11:08 am Biological diversity is being lost at unprecedented rates around the world, both in the number of different species and the genetic variety within a species...Hobbit: "The Wrist ends the debate!"20 Sep, 2007 08:22 pm A new study published today in Science attempts to resolve the Hobbit argument. The report states that the so called Hobbit fossils found in Flores,...Three Good Reasons to Do Nanotechnology: 1. For a Sustainable Energy Economy20 Sep, 2007 12:57 pm When I was in Norway a few months ago, I was talking to an official from their research council about the Norwegian national nanotechnology strategy...Authors@Google: Don Kennedy18 Sep, 2007 12:13 pm Don Kennedy, editor-in-chief of Science is the author of Science Magazine's State of the Planet 2006--2007 which brings together leading environmental...'Slowed Brain-Activity' in Frequent Mobile Phone Users20 Sep, 2007 12:47 pm The present study employs standardized data acquired from the Brain Resource International Database to study the relationship between mobile phone (GSM)...Vadana Shiva and David Korten on Environment17 Sep, 2007 11:52 am The International Forum on Globalization and Institute for Policy Studies hosted a three day teach-in this weekend titled "Confronting the Global Triple...Gutenberg and New Top-Down Tools: Learning How to Make Things Small18 Sep, 2007 01:44 pm Projection lithography (photo lithography) is the preferred top-down tool for device fabrication. Projection lithography has been highly successful during...Cartilage Engineered Using Human Embryonic Stem Cells18 Sep, 2007 12:13 pm Rice University researchers have engineered musculoskeletal cartilages with human embryonic stem cells, with the hope of eventually using the neotissue...A Public Scientist in the Biotechnology Debate?14 Sep, 2007 01:02 pm Science and technology play an increasingly prominent and often controversial role in modern human society. From biotechnology and genetic engineering..."There is a Huge Difference in Biofuels but Policies Just do not Make this Distinction"14 Sep, 2007 02:46 pm In a report on the impact of biofuels released Tuesday, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said biofuels may "offer a cure...The Claim: Politically Liberal Brains are Better at Handling Change13 Sep, 2007 03:04 pm A recent report in Nature Neuroscience has gotten a lot of press. The headlines proclaim that "left-wing" brains are different from "right wing" brains..."Did Climate Cause the Neanderthals' Extinction?"13 Sep, 2007 10:36 am A new study published today in Nature pinpoints the climatic background at the time of the Neanderthals' disappearance in Europe some time around 24,...Coal & Nuclear: Problem or Solution?12 Sep, 2007 01:01 pm A three minute excerpt from PBS series e2 energy narrated by Morgan Freeman. This episode is the last in the series and titled "Harvesting the Wind...What our Eyes Get up to When We Read17 Sep, 2007 11:35 am In this article I briefly discuss some recent research from our laboratory that investigated how we coordinate our eyes binocularly when we read...Watson's Genome, Venter's Genome, What's the Difference?11 Sep, 2007 11:25 am "Come quickly, Watson," said Sherlock Holmes, "I've been asked to review a mysterious sequence, whose importance I'm only now beginning to comprehend."Brussels Minute: Climate Struggle at EU Parliament11 Sep, 2007 11:15 am The European Parliament on Monday 10 Sept started a series of hearings to bring clarity on how to approach the issue of climate change. A EUX...Swiss Geothermal Energy Project Causes earthquakes.12 Sep, 2007 12:16 pm The Swiss Deep Heat Mining Project, located near Basel and which involves injecting water under pressure in quantity into three mile deep boreholes,...New Research Gives Insight into Biological Mechanisms Involved in Cerebral Aneurysms14 Sep, 2007 01:02 pm Research using single gene knockout mice has led to a finding which confirms the importance of nitric oxide biochemistry in the formation of cerebral aneurysms...Howard Vs Rudd: Climate change7 Sep, 2007 12:20 pm In the lead-up to the federal election, marie claire's editor goes one on one with the two most powerful men in Australian politics...Higher Social Skills Are Uniquely Human6 Sep, 2007 08:02 pm A new study published today in Science reports that humans have distinctive social skills. Esther Herrmann, lead author of the study,...Polling Data on Science and Religion6 Sep, 2007 12:58 pm Chris Mooney has a link to this analysis* of recent polling data. The analysis was written by David Masci. The subject: How Americans feel about science..."About 65 Million Years Ago a Very Large Asteroid Hit the Earh in the Yucatan Peninsula"5 Sep, 2007 07:12 pm A study published today in Nature reports the identification of the killer asteroid shower. William Botkke, lead author of the study,...The Energy Diet5 Sep, 2007 02:56 pm An article I read over the long weekend got me thinking about how we talk about energy supply and demand, particularly when we're looking at alternatives...Campaigning on climate change4 Sep, 2007 02:15 pm Interesting article Why the BBC should stand up to its climate campaign critics* about whether the BBC should be campaigning on climate change...Congress, Ready to Act on Climate Change3 Sep, 2007 01:31 pm I?m at lunch with a Washington lobbyist who has good news. ?It?s quite plausible that we can get a cap-and-trade bill through this Congress,?...158 Countries Have Attempted To Agree on The After Kyoto31 Aug, 2007 06:27 pm The UN Climate Change Talks that gathered 1000 people from over 150 governments, business and industry, environmental organizations and research institution...Heat island Effect Goes Underground7 Sep, 2007 12:21 pm While global warming is considered a serious contemporary environmental issue, discussion of the phenomena has been limited primarily to issues above the...New Insights into Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder6 Sep, 2007 12:57 pm Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common debilitating psychiatric disorder, yet the cause of OCD is unknown and few effective treatments are available...Increase CO2 Levels Could Alter Rangelands31 Aug, 2007 03:41 pm Jack Morgan reports in this week issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that wide-open rangelands may become less common as shrubby...Flooding Risk under Future Global Warming Scenarios May Be Greater30 Aug, 2007 11:12 am A new study published today in Nature reports that current scenarios of global warming underestimate the contribution of plants to future changes in continental...The Most Conservative Protein of Flu Virus: Death Sentence or Life Saver?5 Sep, 2007 01:30 pm If there were ?popularity awards? for viral proteins, the two most likely candidates would be two proteins exposed on the surface of influenza (flu) virus...Silicon Nanoparticles Enhance Performance of Solar Cells4 Sep, 2007 02:15 pm Semiconductor fluorescent nanomaterial may find applications in photovoltaic (PV) solar cell technology through the development of cells based entirely...Howard Makes Climate Change a Key APEC Objective30 Aug, 2007 10:13 am Australian Prime Minister John Howard declared yesterday that he wanted the APEC gathering of regional leaders next week in Sydney to discuss the need...Finding the Best Way to Train Older Brains3 Sep, 2007 01:30 pm Memory training programs are becoming popular, but do they work for everyone? The bad news is that the older we get, the less likely we are to show improvements...Scientists Discover ?Volume Control? for Connections between Brain Regions29 Aug, 2007 12:59 pm Nerve axons, the hair-like processes that connect brain regions, have been likened to telephone wires in that they faithfully relay information without...Miswired memory networks in developmental disorders4 Sep, 2007 02:14 pm Developmental disorders including Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome share the symptom of impaired memory. Theories on the origins of these disorders..."Humans and African Great Apes Probably Split Much Earlier"22 Aug, 2007 07:01 pm A study in Nature reports evidence of a new species of great ape found in Ethiopia. Interview with Dr Gen Suwa, lead researcher.Biofuels or Forests?23 Aug, 2007 11:37 am Carbon-free transport fuels present some of the most difficult problems in adapting to a low carbon economy and, while there are solutions like hydrogen...Laser-Fusion: Techno-fix to World Energy Crisis?22 Aug, 2007 12:17 pm A huge laser is to be constructed at a cost of half a billion Euros in a project rated as "priority" by the European Union and named HiPER...Surface and Deep Water Processes were Closely Related during Abrupt Change in the North Atlantic over the Past 420000 Years24 Aug, 2007 11:50 am A recent study (Martrat et al., 2007) based on high-resolution analyses of proxies for sea surface temperature, water mass distribution and relative biomarker...A Robot Controlled by a Simulated Rat Brain20 Aug, 2007 11:09 am For a long time scientists have been quite intrigued by the rat?s ability to perform spatial tasks such as maze solving. Rats can combine scent and visual...Mosquito Immunity ? Combating the Resurgence of Malaria and Dengue17 Aug, 2007 11:41 am The sequencing of the second mosquito genome, that of the dengue and yellow fever transmitting mosquito, Aedes aegypti, has enabled comprehensive comparative...Thinking Clearly about Biofuels: Ending the Irrelevant ?Net Energy? Controversy15 Aug, 2007 11:50 am The age of petroleum is ending. If we are to make sound choices about our energy future, we will have to think clearly and carefully...Jesus Freaks for Climate Change10 Aug, 2007 11:40 am Today's Washington Post includes an exploration of a relatively recent trend among evangelical Christians: environmentalism, or more specifically,...New Research Explores Making Electrical Contact with Nanotubes14 Aug, 2007 11:26 am With walls that can be just one atom thick, carbon nanotubes promise to enable technology that??s smaller, faster and more energy efficient than seems...Agriculture and Food Workers Challenge Nanotechnologies9 Aug, 2007 12:10 pm We analize the first declaration issued at a continental level by a federation of trade unions on nanotechnologies. In March, 2007,...Word Learning in Children3 Aug, 2007 10:59 am Bob McMurray is a speech learning specialist. He explains his study on children's word aquisition ability and how this relates to learning in general...Better Than Ethanol? BTL in plug-in hybrid diesel vehicles2 Aug, 2007 02:07 pm Reed M. Benet is a biofuels focused Ph.D. Student University of California Davis Institute of Transportation Studies. He proposes that plug-in hybrid diesel...Al Gore: Global Warming Testimony 3/21/078 Aug, 2007 11:20 am Al Gore testifies to the House Energy & Science committees in Washington, D.C.Learning a Second Language: Is It All In the Head?8 Aug, 2007 11:20 am Learning a foreign language can be quite difficult for some. In a world of hundreds of languages much of it can end up sounding like Greek...Nuclear 'Green', Renewables Not?31 Jul, 2007 04:27 pm I'm not sure what to make of this: Renewable does not mean green. That is the claim of Jesse Ausubel of the Rockefeller University in New York....A New Human31 Jul, 2007 11:24 am A few years ago, everyone was in a tizzy over the discovery of Flores Man, curious hominin remains found on an Indonesian island that had a number of astonishing...Varying Environments Can Speed Up Evolution31 Jul, 2007 11:28 am Nadav Kashtan is a specialist of evolution computer simulations. He authored a study on the subject published in the Proceedings of the National Academy...Do You Know That Aluminum Can Be Used As a Hydrogen Source for Fuel Cells?6 Aug, 2007 11:35 am Metal Al has been widely used in industry and daily life because of its light weight and good oxidation resistance. However,...Can Semiconductors Operate Like a Human Cell?3 Aug, 2007 10:59 am Semiconductor membranes made of two thin layers of opposite n- and p-doping can perform electrically tunable ion current rectification and filtering in...CNN/YouTube 2008 Democratic Presidential Debate on energy issues27 Jul, 2007 09:49 am This is an extract of the first presidential debate of the 2008 race sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee held in South Carolina on July 23...Impact of Fullerene (C60) on Organisms in the Soil1 Aug, 2007 10:18 am The paper, Impact of Fullerene (C60) on a Soil Microbial Community*, reports the effects of the carbon-based nano-scale material, fullerenes,...Controlling the Kids with Chemicals30 Jul, 2007 10:20 am Honey bee queens control their offspring with chemicals (pheromones), but how these chemicals work has largely remained a mystery...Climate: A Bigger Picture26 Jul, 2007 03:08 pm Stephen Sitch, lead author of a study published today in Nature, reports that current climate models overlook the effects of atmospheric chemistry on global...World Oil Supply May Fail Within 5 Years.25 Jul, 2007 07:14 pm Oil prices look set to skyrocket during the next five years, which coincides with peak-oil, the point of maximum global oil production beyond which an...Spot the Difference: How Do Brains Tell one Place from Another?25 Jul, 2007 05:11 pm Our brains are continuously bombarded by shifting patterns of sensory inputs evoked by our environment. Even subtle changes in these patterns need to...Improve Upon Nature: Genetically Encoding Unnatural Amino Acids27 Jul, 2007 09:49 am The building blocks of proteins in nearly all organisms are limited to 20 amino acids. It might be perfect for nature, but not ideal for scientists...Climate Change from Solar Change: the Door Is Closed19 Jul, 2007 01:21 pm Mike Lockwood is a specialist on long term trends in solar data. He explains how the Sun does not play a role in climate change.Distant Cousins, But Close: The Surprising Complexity of The Sea Anemone Genome24 Jul, 2007 12:32 pm The question of what the common ancestor of multicellular animals looked like has puzzled biologists for a long time. With the genome of the starlet sea...?What We Found Fills the Fossil Record Gap between 3.6 and 3.9 Million Years Ago?18 Jul, 2007 02:51 pm Scientists have discovered new early hominid fossils that may fill the gap between two early human species. Interview with Dr Yohannes Haile-Selassie...Human Most Likely Origin Is "Somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa?18 Jul, 2007 07:00 pm A new study published today in Nature shows new evidence that humans probably evolved in Africa. Interview with Dr Andrea Manica,...Did you come across nanobots lately?18 Jul, 2007 02:36 pm 20 years after futurist K. Eric Drexler?s book ?Engines of Creation? describing the possibility for self-reproducing nano robots,...Oceanites: On the Front Line of Climate Change17 Jul, 2007 11:52 am News report spotlights the effects of Climate Change on two Antarctic Penguin species; the Adelie and Gentoo. Oceanites founder, Ron Naveen,...Bamboozled! The Curious Natural History of the Giant Panda Family20 Jul, 2007 01:44 pm The discovery of the earliest giant panda skull has established that the giant panda lineage has been eating bamboo for more than 2 million years...Smoking causes mutation in sperm DNA: Health Canada Study Links Smoking to Potential Heritable Effects20 Jul, 2007 01:44 pm Smoking is known to cause cancer and other diseases, but new evidence suggests that smoking may also permanently alter the DNA sequence of the descendents...Are Men as Talkative as Women?16 Jul, 2007 02:51 pm Yes, according to a USA Today article on a study that says that both sexes speak about 16,000 words a day.Gold Nanoglue19 Jul, 2007 10:59 am At the nanoscale - the order of billionths of a meter, materials exhibit unique optical, electronic, and magnetic properties not seen at the bulk scale...Hearing on Politicization Surgeon Generals13 Jul, 2007 03:09 pm The Oversight Committee holds a hearing, "The Surgeon General's Vital Mission: Challenges for the Future." The hearing focuses on the importance of the...Bush "Muzzles" the Surgeon General of the US13 Jul, 2007 03:08 pm Former Surgeon General, Dr. Richard Carmona, speaks with Wolf Blitzer from CNN on how he and the two previous Surgeon Generals have been muzzled by the...New Drugs Offer Stroke Treatment by Changing Activity of DNA19 Jul, 2007 10:59 am The discovery of small molecules that act as inhibitors of enzymes, small machines in cells, that are involved in the chemical modification of proteins...No More Nuclear Energy? A Lost Fight Before It Even Starts!12 Jul, 2007 04:05 pm Jacques Foos analyses questions on world development in an un-dogmatic style. He is a professor at the National Conservatory of the Arts et Metiers and...On the Clock: John Edwards on Education, Energy and Climate Change12 Jul, 2007 12:18 pm Bora posted an exclusive interview* with John Edwards today, asking all kinds of science centered questions about NASA, global warming, education,...?Water is There!?11 Jul, 2007 07:01 pm Giovanna Tinetti, lead author of a study published today in Nature, reports presence of water in the atmosphere of an extra-solar planet.Steve Andrews (ASPO) about Oil Demand & Supply12 Jul, 2007 12:18 pm A new report says global demand for oil will rise faster than expected, outpacing supply, with John Kilduff Man Financial energy analyst; Steve Andrews...?The Growth Rate in Chinese Emissions Has Been Incredible?13 Jul, 2007 04:46 pm Gregg Marland is an expert scientist on climate change, and he discusses the the findings by the Neatherlands Environmental Assessment Agency that show...Build Public Confidence in The Process And The Governance of Science12 Jul, 2007 12:18 pm Richard Wilson is the director of Involve and co-authored a recent report entitled, ?Democratic Technologies? Final report of the Nanotechnology Engagement...?The Really Big Problem for UK Science at the Moment Is Ensuring that We Will Have Enough Scientists in the Future?11 Jul, 2007 12:54 pm As new Prime Minister Gordon Brown unveiled his long-term vision to ?make Britain one of the best places in the world for science,..."We Are Too Earth-Centric in Our Search for Alien Life"11 Jul, 2007 12:54 pm The American National Research Council published last week a report entitled ?The Limits of Organic Life in Planetary Systems? suggesting that ?...?There Are a Lot of Similar Issues Regardless of Where the Students Are?10 Jul, 2007 05:13 pm The American magazine Science has conducted a worldwide study about science teaching in undergraduate education (published in last week?s issue)...A One-Two Punch Against Multidrug Resistant Cancer13 Jul, 2007 03:10 pm The development of multidrug resistance represents the single most important reason for therapeutic failure in the clinical management of cancer,...World Map of Oil Production Peaking9 Jul, 2007 02:01 pm This animated map is an excerpt from a conference presentation by Randy Park. He is a professional level member of the Canadian Association of Professional...Carbon Nanotube Injects Living Cells Without Damage12 Jul, 2007 02:19 pm Cell biologists have been trying to figure out the complicated processes happening inside a living cell. One commonly used approach is to introduce or..."Biofuel Expansion Will Play A Role In Pushing Up And Keeping Up Prices"6 Jul, 2007 06:13 pm Almuth Ernsting is a member of Biofuelwatch. She comments on the latest UN farming assessment report and Brazilian president Lula's participation in an..."To Believe That Nuclear Power Can Make A Significant Difference Is Really Not Sensible"6 Jul, 2007 06:14 pm Dr. Frank Barnaby is a specialist on nuclear power and technology. He discusses a report he co-authored, which argues against further investment and development...Genome Transplantation - Coming to a Bacteria Near You6 Jul, 2007 01:36 pm Well, I was interviewed yesterday by the AP (see the AP article here*) relating to an article in Science on Genome Transplantation by John Glass,...Carbon Nanotubes Are Tougher and Supercompressible11 Jul, 2007 12:54 pm We show that under repeated high compressive strains, the long nanotube block shows a viscoelastic behavior similar to that seen in the soft tissue membranes..."The Glacial Period Did Not Happen Until Several Thousand Years After The Toba Super Eruption"5 Jul, 2007 08:00 pm Michael Petraglia is a University Lecturer in Human Evolution. His study published today in Science reveals that super-volcanic eruptions are perhaps..."We Are Already Using A High Proportion of Biomass Production in The Ecosystem"5 Jul, 2007 11:28 am Karlheinz Erb is a specialist on sustainable development and biomass flows. His research indicates that humans are already using a very high amount of...Jeremy Leggett: Peak Oil Meets Climate Change9 Jul, 2007 02:00 pm Jeremy Leggett Lecture in the Cultivate Centre, Dublin where he discusses Peak Oil and its affects on climate change. He spent the 1980s in the service...Arctic in The Balance5 Jul, 2007 10:07 am The Arctic is becoming increasingly accessible because of climate change, and as such governments and big Industry see much to be gained from the potential...The Creation Museum 3: General Overview5 Jul, 2007 11:54 am The Creation museum that opened on May 28 in Kentucky keeps fueling the debate between evolution and creationism. Jason Rosenhouse tells here his visit...Nuclear Energy: ?Everyone Wants It?3 Jul, 2007 12:30 pm For Philippe Garderet, the scientific director of Areva, the world leading company in nuclear energy, ?the real subject at hand is not knowing whether...The Neuroscience of Decision-making5 Jul, 2007 11:54 am We often make decisions based on imperfect information from a variety of potentially conflicting sources. A new experiment reveals how monkeys and their...Stem Cell Veto3 Jul, 2007 12:30 pm On June 20, President Bush vetoed for the second time a bill passed by Congress that would have allowed federal funding to study frozen embryos from fertility..."The Arctic is a Treasure Trove of Natural Resources"4 Jul, 2007 04:00 pm Rob Huebert is a specialist on the politics of the Arctic. He believes that if oil prices remain high, the Arctic will become a major strategic interest...Make Assurance Double Sure ? Dual Networks for Behavioral Control9 Jul, 2007 02:01 pm The ability to exercise voluntary control over one?s own actions forms a central aspect of what it means to be human. The number of possible responses...Braking News for Creationism2 Jul, 2007 04:51 pm Creationists who bang the pulpit about the Universe being young tend to use old, outdated, and long-debunked arguments. The astronomy ones just crack...Steve Koonin on Energy Trends and Technologies for the Coming Decades2 Jul, 2007 04:50 pm In his talk organized by the University of California, San Diego's Center for Energy Research as part of its Distinguished Lecture Series,...Vast Oil and Life in the Deep-Earth.5 Jul, 2007 11:54 am Two books speculate that oil is formed continually within the earth by geological processes and will not therefore run-out,...Hope For Parkinson Patients29 Jun, 2007 03:14 pm This is CBS News on a new gene therapy treatment for the incurable brain disorder that affects millions of Americans.The Political Brain29 Jun, 2007 03:15 pm A recent brain-imaging study shows that our political predilections are a product of unconscious confirmation bias. Psychologist Drew Westen,...Coal + Corn = Bad Policy29 Jun, 2007 03:14 pm In 2005 and 2006 Heron Lake Bioenergy, a coal-fired, corn ethanol plant with a capacity of 55 million gallons per year was embroiled in litigation hoping..."Certain Genes Are Favoured In Males and Not In Females"27 Jun, 2007 07:00 pm Researchers have found out that good genes can be gender-specific. The study is published in the June 28, 2007 issue of Nature...Focusing on attention29 Jun, 2007 03:15 pm There are many things in the world around us, too many for the brain to process in detail at the same time. A lot of these things, however,...Choose Our Ends, And We'll Find The Means28 Jun, 2007 04:27 pm We all have our own personal fantasy worlds. Mine is to live in a world of balanced political debate where liberal and conservative politicians bring forward...Seduction by Neuroscience: Resisting the Allure25 Jun, 2007 04:43 pm At Professor Adam Kolber's Neuroethics & Law Blog, I learned of a new article now in press at the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience...Explaining the Relation Between Birth Order and Intelligence22 Jun, 2007 05:04 pm The purposes of our study were to quantify the size of a birth order effect on IQ, if any, and to provide evidence that could support or oppose prevailing...Nanotechnology and Sustainability22 Jun, 2007 05:04 pm Nanotechnology has the potential to make a big impact on sustainability; but to achieve this potential, we need a multiple of cross disciplinary approaches...A Sensible Cap and Trade Scheme for National Carbon Emissions?22 Jun, 2007 05:04 pm The Austrialian PM?s taskforce recommends a cautious start to carbon emissions trading by 2012 with carbon caps being initially set generously to take...?The Moment Has Passed to Compare the Merits of Wind or Nuclear Technology?28 Jun, 2007 04:27 pm With an increase of 80 million inhabitants per year, the planet needs all the energy possible: nuclear, wind, solar, hydraulic?The fight ?...Simple Sugars Can Be Turned Into a New, Potentially Useful Biofuel21 Jun, 2007 11:33 am James Dumesic is a professor of chemical and biological engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States...Potential of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine27 Jun, 2007 06:08 pm Stem cells have the potential to become all the cells and tissues in the human body. These cells have been described as embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and...Japanese Company Considering Chinese Biodiesel21 Jun, 2007 11:32 am China Confidential has learned that a Japanese company is seriously considering making a major investment in a big, vertically integrated,...Democrats have to draw the line & turn down Bush's bigoted surgeon general19 Jun, 2007 02:28 pm I'll admit that my headline might not be fair. It could be that our not-so-beloved president's nominee for surgeon general, James W. Holsinger Jr.,...Fungi for Biofuel: Prof. Amir Sharon of Tel Aviv University15 Jun, 2007 03:45 pm A new technology can not only make better biofuel, but revolutionalize a whole range of markets including the pharmaceuticals and food industry.The Political Brain19 Jun, 2007 02:29 pm Research in clinical and social psychology takes up what prompts our political judgement.Confronting Climate Change: avoiding the unmanageable and managing the avoidable19 Jun, 2007 02:28 pm Professors Rosina Bierbaum and John Holdren give a short synopsis of a new report by the UN Foundation and Sigma Xi."Someone Is Going to Have to Make Up The Supply That Is Always Being Demanded for Food and Feed"15 Jun, 2007 03:45 pm Ronald Steenblik is the Director of Research for the Global Subsidies Initiative of the International Institute for Sustainable Development based in Geneva...Family Guy: Christian Alternative to the Theory of Evolution18 Jun, 2007 12:48 pm Evolution versus creationism reviewed by Family GuyNeurons and How They Work20 Jun, 2007 07:19 pm What are neurons and how do they work ? What allows us to think imaginatively and create ideas ? A comprehensive picture by Discovery Channel.Biofuels: A Danger for Latin America15 Jun, 2007 03:45 pm Renewable fuels, in particular Biofuels, energy sources derived from agricultural crops have suddenly won the support from the United States...?The Idea Is To Open Up?13 Jun, 2007 06:02 pm Val?rie P?cresse, the French minister of Higher Education and Research in the government of the newly elected center right president Nicolas Sarkozy,...Pilot of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Released Today13 Jun, 2007 07:00 pm After scientists revealed the map of the entire human genome in 2001, the ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project was launched in September 2003..."It Inevitably Raises the Question of Sex Selection"11 Jun, 2007 07:10 pm The British company DNA Worldwide raised a controversy last month by launching on the internet a home test called ?Pink or Blue?...Transferring Quantum Information from Light to Matter and Back Again12 Jun, 2007 02:18 pm A quantum computer is a device that can perform certain tasks much more efficiently than a classical computer byexploiting unique aspects of quantum mechanics...Bypass the US in G8 Climate Talks6 Jun, 2007 03:15 pm A leaked document shows that the US remains rigidly opposed to any action on global warming that involves firm targets and timelines.Discovery of Stem Cells in Muscle Could Advance Development of Regenerative Therapies8 Jun, 2007 04:13 pm Stem cells provide the starting material for the development and repair of every organ and tissue in the body and they are present in all stages of life...Money as an Ethical Lighthouse6 Jun, 2007 03:15 pm Money makes the world go ?round, and the research world is no different.Scientists Decipher Rhesus Macaque Genome5 Jun, 2007 03:15 pm In the 13 April 2007 issue, Science unveiled the genome sequence of one of biology's most important model organisms: the rhesus macaque monkey (Macaca...?It?s Blurring the Distinction Between Humans and the African Apes.?31 May, 2007 08:00 pm Upright walking may have begun in the trees. This hypothesis is the result of a study, based on the observation of orangutans,..."Jatropha Is Not Competing with Existing Food Crops to Produce Biodiesel"5 Jun, 2007 03:19 pm The biofuel market is growing, and with it the development of certain crops to meet energy needs. One of which is Jatropha, a plant that is gaining importance...Musical Tones Discovered in Speech4 Jun, 2007 12:25 pm A striking feature of music is the use of 12 specific tone intervals in musical composition and performance across many human cultures...I Think I Can Feel My Brain Evolving29 May, 2007 07:29 pm There?s a Far Side cartoon where a kid in a classroom raises his hand and says, ?May I be excused? My brain is full.? After two intense days at a brain...BioJustice 2007 International Farmers Speak Out Pt. 131 May, 2007 04:10 pm University of California-Berkeley professor, Ignacio Chapela, speaks as part of the opening panel discussion during BioJustice 2007,...Study attempts to separate health from social influences on brain development25 May, 2007 03:55 pm Much research has found that there are IQ differences based on socioeconomic background of children: poorer children have lower IQs...France: ?What We Demand Is That Laboratories Regain the Ability To Self Finance.?24 May, 2007 05:53 pm ?Sauvons la Recherche? (Save Research) is a group created in March 2003 to fight a dramatic drop in budgets and recruitment decided by the government at...Increasing Inequality Threatens Biodiversity29 May, 2007 07:30 pm Biodiversity?the great variety of populations, species, and ecosystems?is now being eroded at a rate not seen since the last mass extinction some 65 million...Genetic Links Between Hyperactivity and Academic Achievement29 May, 2007 07:29 pm Hyperactive behavioral problems consisting of overactivity, impulsivity and inattentiveness are often associated with academic under achievement such that...Scientists Develop Tiny Implantable Biocomputers21 May, 2007 07:00 pm Scientists at Harvard University and Princeton University have developed a tiny implantable biological computer that could revolutionize medicine...How the Brain Translates Money into Force: a Neuro-imaging Study of Subliminal Motivation24 May, 2007 05:53 pm Most of us consciously work for the paycheck, along with other material and emotional benefits. But motivation may also be hidden...Can Cars Save the Planet?22 May, 2007 03:34 pm No alternative fuel can single-handedly bring a solution to the environmental problems associated with modern-day mobility...Pixie Dust and Carbon Nanotubes18 May, 2007 11:27 am Predictions of the use of carbon nanotubes (CNT) are so overwhelming that some call it pixie dust. Bright prototype CNT based flat screens can be seen...The Adult Brain Can Rapidly Reorganise to Compensate for Functional Interference21 May, 2007 12:40 pm When a person suffers brain damage, for example a stroke, their ability to move their limbs is often impaired. Over time, some degree of recovery can occur...Future Squinter? No Right to be Born18 May, 2007 11:27 am Well, we have fallen along way off the moral cliff in a very short time; from tossing away embryos with genetic defects for serious illness in infancy...Biodiesel: King of Alternative Fuels10 May, 2007 06:58 pm Biodiesel has a much greater energy content than ethanol, and diesel engines are more efficient than spark ignition engines. The energy return for biodiesel..."Nuclear Energy Represents an Enormous Commitment for Investors"10 May, 2007 06:58 pm Segment of an interview with Jan Horst Keppler, director of the Energy program at the French Institute of International Relation (IFRI) and professor at...[Video] IPCC Working Group II Report: Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability16 May, 2007 03:41 pm The live report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II. Headed by Dr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri. A one hour 6 part series...3.4%10 May, 2007 06:57 pm The percentage of renewable energies out of the current overall energy supply.20%10 May, 2007 06:57 pm The agreement reached by the European Union on renewable energies out of the combined energy consumption by 2020.Coal, a Future Energy?10 May, 2007 06:57 pm To consider coal, known to be highly polluting, as an energy source of the future seems somewhat of a paradox. Yet, that is the bet being made by some...Ethanol, a Possible Replacement to Gasoline10 May, 2007 06:58 pm Ethanol is not a newly discovered component. It has been used for a long time in industrial chemistry, for example, in solvents, or disinfectants...Energies of the 21st Century10 May, 2007 06:59 pm The debate over energy resources used by modern societies is of the utmost urgence. Not so much because the traditional forms of energy will run out,...[Video] Free Fall Experiment - Time Perception18 May, 2007 11:27 am Research being done in psychologist Dr. David Eagleman's lab, piloting free fall experiments to explore time warping during high adrenaline situation...Neuronal Communication: The Need for Persistence16 May, 2007 03:43 pm Scientists at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, USA, studying mammalian spinal cord cells,...Clue to Onset and Progression of Huntington's Disease is Discovered18 May, 2007 11:27 am Huntington?s Disease is a devastating neurodegenerative genetic disorder which affects particular areas of the brain, progresses with time and worsens...Bad Brake Leads to Addiction15 May, 2007 12:36 pm Two weeks ago, lying on a hospital bed after surgery, I was hooked up to a morphine pump so I could self-administer morphine whenever I had pain...Bionic Vision with Brain Implants7 May, 2007 12:27 pm Implants in the relay station of the visual brain may one day be able to restore sight to those blinded by eye disease. That's what suggests Harvard Medical...[Video] Ethanol May Increase the Number of Respiratory-Related Deaths and Hospitalizations4 May, 2007 12:42 pm We've recently published an interview of Marc Jacobson, lead author of a report on the safety of Ethanol. The report suggests that in fact this popular...Of Mammals and Mass Extinctions9 May, 2007 01:10 pm It's a story that everyone knows. Some 65 million years ago a giant asteroid slams into the Earth. The resulting catastrophe spreads around the world,...A New Approach Towards the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease9 May, 2007 01:09 pm Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurological disorder that slowly attacks and purloins the minds of its victims...Brain 'Niceness' Protein Required for Social Behavior14 May, 2007 12:42 pm The cell surface protein CD38, found on many immune cells such as leukocytes, is also present in neurons and astrocytes in the brain...Climate Changes Means More Mushrooms4 May, 2007 12:45 pm Species that used to start fruiting in September now do so in July or August. The end of the season now ends later. It used to be in October,...Nanotechnology for Healing Damaged Vascular Tissue4 May, 2007 12:45 pm Atherosclerotic vascular disease, characterized by artery hardening and vessel narrowing through plaque accumulation, has become the leading cause of death...[Video] Introduction to the Renewable Energies26 Apr, 2007 01:55 pm A (quite fair) introduction to the renewable energies by WWF.EU research: ?We Need to Know What People on the Ground Have to Say?24 Apr, 2007 01:16 pm The European Commission has recently published a green report on the future of the European Research Area (ERA), an entity created to improve the interaction...Migraine Headaches: Maybe Not So Bad for the Brain after All?26 Apr, 2007 01:56 pm There is an urban myth circulating about migraine headaches, namely that they result in dysfunction of the central nervous system and may ultimately cause...Seeing Red: Palm Oil Biodiesel23 Apr, 2007 01:16 pm In the enthusiasm for renewable energy and taking care of our environment, it is easy to assume that making fuel from plants (biofuel) must be by definition...Friendly Neighbors May Become Neuron Killers24 Apr, 2007 01:11 pm Neurodegenerative diseases, like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), are characterized by a loss of specific subsets of brain cells called neurons..."All Biofuels Contain Health Risks As Does Diesel"20 Apr, 2007 01:32 pm A report published this week on the safety of Ethanol suggests that in fact this popular potential replacement for oil has some drawbacks...Magnetic Resonance Imaging May Predict Alzheimer's Disease25 Apr, 2007 11:39 am The "holy grail" of Alzheimer's disease research is prevention. For prevention of Alzheimer's disease we need two components: a way of detecting normal...Climate Change's Winners and Losers20 Apr, 2007 03:04 pm I've long maintained that one of the biggest mistakes that the environmental community -- and many of us -- made around climate change is relegating it...Architectures of Flexible Control: Incongruence and Change Detection24 Apr, 2007 01:11 pm Among nature's most impressive feats of engineering is the remarkably flexible and self-optimizing quality of human cognition...?Historical agreement? by EU member states on greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energies: ?The Stress Is on Energy?18 Apr, 2007 12:47 pm Christian Egenhofer reviews for Scitizen the recent EU agreement on greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energies. He is a senior fellow and general...Parasite Hijacks the Mind of its Host17 Apr, 2007 06:08 pm It sounds like something from a science fiction film: a parasite that enters the brain and manipulates the behaviour of its host...The dynamics of crowd disasters16 Apr, 2007 02:36 pm Science News has an intriguing article on how physicists have applied models of fluid dynamics to successfully understand dangerous crowd stampedes.New Method Overcomes Drug Resistance in HIV/AIDS5 Apr, 2007 04:54 pm A major problem in HIV/AIDS is the virus ability to rapidly mutate which leads to the virus? escape from the body?s immune defense and the appearance of...Fly Attention5 Apr, 2007 04:53 pm In this article I show how one can study selective attention in flies by measuring their brain responses to competing visual stimuli...?A Global Carbon Permit Market Is Not A Very Good Idea?30 Mar, 2007 11:42 am Interview with Warwick McKibbin, the director of the Center of Applied Macroeconomic Analysis at the Australian National University and a professorial...Rising Atmospheric CO2 May Stimulate Microbes to Release Carbon and Offset Gains in Carbon Uptake by Plants2 Apr, 2007 11:21 pm Changes in the amount of carbon in soils can affect the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. In a four year forest experiment, elevated CO2 caused a loss carbon...Phylogeography Tracks Bird Flu?s Long March28 Mar, 2007 11:48 am ?Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected.? -Sun Tzu, The Art of War (6th century BC)...Another "First": Emission Spectra of Extrasolar Planets22 Mar, 2007 11:21 am The rapidly-evolving field of research in extrasolar planets (or exoplanets) has achieved another milestone, with the announcement of the first measured...Using Your DNA to Remember21 Mar, 2007 07:12 pm In our article entitled ?Covalent modification of DNA regulates memory formation,? published in the current issue of the journal Neuron, Dr...Characterization of Ovarian Tumor Vascular Cells, a New Source for Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers26 Mar, 2007 11:36 am We recently characterized the genes expressed by ovarian tumor blood vessel cells[1]. This work demonstrated that the blood vessel cells in ovarian cancer...Genetic Mapping in Combination with Brain Imaging May Help Diagnose Early Dementia20 Mar, 2007 10:51 am My recently presented thesis suggests that genetic mapping and brain imaging can be used to identify people who will go on to develop Alzheimer's disease..."Brazilian Sugarcane Ethanol is The Most Competitive Renewable Energy Worldwide."14 Mar, 2007 11:31 am Interview with Jose Goldemberg, a Brazilian physicist and the current Secretary for the Environment of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil,...New Tank Innovation Makes Small Natural Gas Vehicles Attractive9 Mar, 2007 10:31 am Technology uses corncobs to create space-saving briquettes for low-pressure tanks. A development in natural gas technology will make it possible to...Hydropower Switched to Dual Clean and Renewable Energy Source8 Mar, 2007 11:22 am Narrowly linked to climate change issues, this article is intended to somehow foresee the rise of a new clean and renewable energy resource...Epilepsy Diet is Effective in Managing Malignant Brain Cancer6 Mar, 2007 10:35 am The ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate and low protein diet that has been used for decades as a last resort for managing drug-resistant seizures...Oil: "There Is No Evidence That a Peak Will Occur In the Next 10 to 15 Years"1 Mar, 2007 05:24 pm Peter Jackson, the senior director of CERA Oil Supply, recently published a widely debated article entitled, "Why the Peak Oil Theory Falls Down"...Higher Levels of Education Do Not Protect Against Age-Related Memory Decline1 Feb, 2007 07:22 pm In the current issue of the journal "Research on Aging" our article, ?Education and Cognitive Decline in Older Americans,? suggests that after age 70,...Gravitational waves from the Big Bang6 Feb, 2007 10:56 am Gravitational waves are copiously produced during the violent process of reheating the Universe after cosmic inflation, i.e. at the Big Bang...Hybrid Materials of Carbon Nanotubes and Nanowires24 Jan, 2007 04:36 pm As scientists look for new materials to replace silicon for faster computers, carbon nanotubes and nanowires of various kinds have appeared to be the most...Evolution in response to climate change26 Jan, 2007 12:45 pm We are now experiencing substantial changes in the earth?s climate, with warmer temperatures, droughts, and other changes in precipitation patterns found...Status of large predatory fish stocks in the Pacific Ocean23 Jan, 2007 05:49 pm In December 2006, my colleagues John Hampton from the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Pierre Kleiber from NOAA Fisheries,...Nanotechnology Research comes of age17 Jan, 2007 11:03 am Nearly half a century has passed since Richard Feynman pointed out the tremendous potential in making structures at the atomic scale...A black hole in a globular cluster22 Jan, 2007 07:13 pm This report discusses the recent discovery of strong evidence for an accreting black hole in a globular cluster in the galaxy NGC 4472,...Diverse Renewable Energy Sources Is The Best Option16 Jan, 2007 11:28 am Dr. Daniel Kammen is the director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley...The European Commission has released its Climate Change Strategy -Is It A Good Plan?11 Jan, 2007 04:19 pm The European Commission has issued a Climate Change Strategy which focuses on controls on the emissions of carbon dioxide to limit the human intervention...HIV and Malaria: A Vicious Cycle11 Jan, 2007 09:53 am HIV/AIDS and malaria continue to be two ?elephants? of public health challenges. There are 40 million people infected with HIV with an annual mortality...Why Hydropower is Not Clean Energy9 Jan, 2007 02:53 pm Dr. Philip M. Fearnside is a research scientist in the Ecology department at the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA) in Manaus,...Identification of Step in Flu Virus Replication Supports Development of New Vaccines28 Dec, 2006 12:28 pm As public health officials around the world keep a nervous eye on the spread of avian influenza H5N1, scientists are focusing on vaccine development...New Research Predicts Pathways Of Past And Future Spread Of H5N1 Avian Influenza14 Dec, 2006 01:01 am The spread of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza into Asia, Europe and Africa has resulted in enormous impacts on the poultry industry and presents...Tracking Avian Flu With Satellite Observation12 Dec, 2006 02:03 am Using an orbiting satellite 705 kilometers above Earth to track a microscopic virus might seem similar to using a backhoe with a six-foot bucket to find...Autumn 2006 is Very Likely the Warmest of Over More Than Half a Millennium23 Dec, 2006 05:03 pm Detailed insight into high-resolution temporal and spatial patterns of climate change during previous centuries is essential for assessing the degree to...Protein Network Promotes Pluripotency of Stem Cells26 Dec, 2006 04:41 pm A study published November 16 in Nature identifies a protein network that promotes the pluripotency of stem cells. The lead author, Jianlong Wang,...Influenza A Viruses Found Preserved in Siberian Lake Ice5 Dec, 2006 03:35 pm Influenza A viruses have been known to appear, disappear, and reappear in cycles lasting decades. The influenza virus that caused an epidemic in Europe..."We?re Not Seeing any Discernable Effects of the Kyoto Protocol on Global Emissions"4 Dec, 2006 11:41 am In a recent Earth science conference in Beijing, Michael Raupach, a carbon-cycle scientist as well as a participant in the Global Carbon Project,...Stem Cells Aid Dogs With Muscular Dystrophy to Walk More Normally28 Nov, 2006 06:07 pm Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disease that has not treatment and severely limits motility and life expectancy in people...The Need for Better Quality Data to Understand Avian Influenza in Wild Birds23 Nov, 2006 05:11 pm Since H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza was first isolated from poultry in China in 1996, this disease has been shown to be spread by infected poultry...Primary Health Care Comes Second in Pandemic Planning23 Nov, 2006 05:10 pm No one knows when the next influenza pandemic will happen. But the odds of it happening in the near future are shortening. H5N1 influenza,...New Process to Produce Completely Renewable Fuels and Chemicals10 Nov, 2006 04:02 pm What happens if you overheat vegetable oil or sugar in your kitchen? Vegetable oil smokes and turns brown and sugar turns black...Stem Cells on Their Way to Becoming Smooth Muscle Tissue: ?We Can Say We Are Midway There?7 Nov, 2006 06:08 pm When stretched, a type of adult stem cell taken from bone marrow can be nudged towards becoming the type of tissue found in blood vessels,...Fossilized Liquid Assembly: A Bio-Inspired Route to Complex Structures8 Nov, 2006 10:00 am The advanced capabilities of many materials result from their exceptional surface properties. While coatings and paints improve surface properties through...Bioreactors: Toward Miniaturation26 Oct, 2006 03:15 pm Scientists have shown that you can directly transfer electrons to a mineral using a purified protein. Using pure protein opens up the possibility of shrinking...?This Kind of Planet Had Never Been Seen Before?19 Oct, 2006 04:15 pm Kailash Sahu is the leading author of a report published Nature in which he describes the finding of 16 new extrasolar planets in the center of the Milky...New Compound Counters Avian Flu17 Oct, 2006 03:00 pm UW-Madison researchers have found a flu-fighting peptide, a small protein molecule which is a fragment of a larger human protein...?35% of the Giant Planets Could Form Planets Like the Earth in the Habitable Zone?11 Oct, 2006 01:24 pm Sean Raymond is co-author of a report published recently in Science, in which he describes how Earth-mass planets can form during the ?...Supercapacitors Start a Revolution in Energy Storage Devices4 Oct, 2006 08:31 am When shopping for power sources to make Palm Pilots, iPods, and other ubiquitous personal electronic devices work, a capacitor is probably the last thing...On the Importance of Locality When Estimating the Aerosol Effects on Climate2 Oct, 2006 12:57 pm It is well understood how the emission of greenhouse gasses (GHG) warms the atmosphere. Some of the key greenhouse molecules stay in the atmosphere hundreds..."The technique has been out for a number of years, it?s been proven to be safe"25 Sep, 2006 10:27 am In a letter published in August in Nature online [1], Robert Lanza and his team reported a new technique to generate embryonic stem cells ?..."The cyclic universe model is a simple mechanism for solving the cosmological constant problem"19 Sep, 2006 10:22 am The search for a single theory of everything has led scientists to propose a surprising, new and non-intuitive description of our Universe..."We should all join together and understand what is happening in a more efficient manner"13 Sep, 2006 11:14 am Ilaria Capua, is one of the authors of the Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data launched in late August. She describes this initiative for...?It looks like the H5N1 viruses can?t easily successfully switch genes with human flu viruses: that?s reassuring!?11 Sep, 2006 11:44 am Researchers from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, USA, have combined bird and human flu viruses in order to create a pandemic...Who discovered carbon nanotubes? - All you need to know about the discovery of carbon nanotubes.6 Sep, 2006 05:06 pm On reading articles in newspapers and science and technology magazines one gets that impression that Suomo Iijima, a scientist at NEC Japan,...?It?s just the excitement of the quest to not only find a planet that would be truly attractive and habitable, but one that has life?26 Jul, 2006 04:07 pm Webster Cash recently reported a new method to detect Earth-like planets around nearby stars using a space Telescope associated with a special shape occulter...The New Biofuel Age5 Jul, 2006 10:04 am As Indy-cars and automobile manufacturers rush to develop vehicles that use bioethanol as a part of their fuel mixture, it is interesting to reflect how...Skin Cells Could Potentially Be Used To Repair the Nervous System4 Jul, 2006 12:06 pm Nerve cells communicate via precise electrical signals called action potentials. In order to maintain speed and intensity of these signals over long distances...1st UK Mesenchymal Stem Cell Meeting28 Jun, 2006 11:41 am Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have attracted widespread interest as promising candidates for the cell-based treatment of different degenerative disorders...?I am optimistic about the ability of humans to draw the line between appropriate uses and inappropriate uses?26 Jun, 2006 10:28 am Larry Goldstein is Chair of the Public Policy Committee of the American Society for Cell Biology. He reviews for Scitizen the ethical debate on stem cells..."My Proposal Is To Concentrate On Green Energy at Large"22 Jun, 2006 07:31 pm Ibrahim Dincer is chair of the Second International Green Energy Conference that will take place in Ontario, Canada from the 25 to the 29 of June..."Simply Put, the Earth 3C Warmer Would Be a Different Planet Than the One that We Know"18 Jun, 2006 01:06 pm James E. Hansen is the lead climate scientist and director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Science. He comments for Scitizen on a draft report...Slippery Nanopipes15 Jun, 2006 10:32 am Imagine the amount of water that comes out of a fire hose attached to a hydrant. If you replace the fire hose with a regular garden hose,...Semiconductor Polishing: New Spherical Nanoparticle Abrasive Could Advance Chemical-Mechanical Planarization in Integrated Circuit Production14 Jun, 2006 01:11 pm Semiconductor polishing ? known technically as chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP) ? has become more critical as feature sizes on integrated circuits...Carbon Nanotubes as Deformation Cells on the Nanoscale12 Jun, 2006 09:24 am Nanocrystalline materials are composed of crystallites with sizes of a few nanometers. It has been observed since decades that such materials are mechanically...Big hope for the production of Tamiflu - a bird flu drug - on large scale1 Jun, 2006 06:00 pm Elias Corey, professor at Harvard University and Nobel Prize winner in 1990 for chemical synthesis, is co-author of a letter published in the Journal of...?This virus is very unusual in its high virulence for a broad spectrum of animals that occasionally includes humans?31 May, 2006 06:50 pm Earl Brown, professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ottawa, Canada, reviews for Scitizen what we know and what we ignore about the Avian..."Carbon nanotubes might have a role in targeting drugs to tumour cells or delivery of drugs to the nervous system"30 May, 2006 01:55 pm Todd Pappas is co-author of a study published in the May issue of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology on the ability of carbon nanotubes to carry...?The two regions that respond in a stronger way to global change are the Mediterranean and North Eastern European regions?17 May, 2006 06:17 pm Dr. Filippo Giorgi, you work at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. Last week issue of New Scientist quotes...The secret ability of stem cells10 May, 2006 04:51 pm An article published in Science quotes the work of an MIT team which tries to unveil the secret ability of stem cells to replicate indefinitely and restrain...?As We?re Going into the Future, the Average Circulation in the Atmosphere Will Probably Weaken?6 May, 2006 02:00 pm In a letter published in the last issue of Nature, scientists describe human contribution to Climate Change. Gabriel Vecchi, co-author of the letter,...Automotive Aluminium?s Strength Unravelled at Atomic Level5 May, 2006 12:10 pm AlMgSi alloys are massively produced materials for modern industries, especially for fuel-efficient transportation vehicles. However,..."New strategy for optimizing the nanostructured metals"3 May, 2006 01:36 pm In a report published in the April 14 issue of Science [1], a team of scientists observes that a nanostructured metal can be hardened by annealing and...Stem Cells from Testicular Biopsy21 Apr, 2006 04:51 pm In a report recently published in Nature, a team of scientists describe a new technique to produce pluripotency stem cells from testis cells...Fast DNA Sequencing via Transverse Electronic Transport18 Apr, 2006 06:37 pm Currently it costs millions of dollars and takes months to sequence the entire genome of a human. In order to realize the goal of personalized medicine...The real value of embryonic stem cells?10 Apr, 2006 05:58 am Several controversies surround the use of human embryonic stem cells: Is it ethical to use them? Will embryonic stem cells ever be used to treat human...Stem Cells - ethical debates and historical remarks9 Apr, 2006 03:11 pm Ethical concerns about stem cell research are deeply rooted in the past. Understanding the historical content of these concerns may help to foster an open...New Possibilities for the Use of Stem Cells in Medicine9 Apr, 2006 12:11 am Adult Spermatogonial Stem Cells Behave Like Embryonic Stem Cells G?ttingen Medical Researchers Present World Novel Research Results in the Scientific...The Future of Fuel Cells.31 Mar, 2006 12:54 pm Fuel cells are often perceived as being part of the future solution to the 'energy crisis', providing 'clean' electricity with virtually no emissions...The nature of dark energy: the big challenge in the physics new era30 Mar, 2006 03:36 pm The universe is dominated by a mysterious dark energy acting as a repulsive force on the universe scale, causing its cosmic acceleration...Ethical Challenges in Pandemic Influenza28 Mar, 2006 02:22 am This article describes the ethical challenges health care organizations may face in preparing for an influenza pandemic.Subjects Discussed on Scitizen21 Jan, 2006 10:59 am Scitizen's goal is to cover all disciplines of science.Few Guidelines for the Article Authors21 Jan, 2006 10:56 am Readability, length of the article, references?Few Guidelines for the Reviewers21 Jan, 2006 10:52 am The panel of reviewers is responsible for the reliability of information published under SubjectsHow to Start a New Subject?21 Jan, 2006 10:37 am You're a working scientist? Your discipline is not covered yet? Start a new subject, become the first reviewer and moderate the discussion on your discipline... |