Génome |
Bacterial Genomes and Evolution29 Nov, 2007 10:59 am The seminar that I give most often when I am invited to speak at other universities begins with a brief introduction to genomes,...Watson's Genome, Venter's Genome, What's the Difference?11 Sep, 2007 11:25 am "Come quickly, Watson," said Sherlock Holmes, "I've been asked to review a mysterious sequence, whose importance I'm only now beginning to comprehend."Distant Cousins, But Close: The Surprising Complexity of The Sea Anemone Genome24 Jul, 2007 12:32 pm The question of what the common ancestor of multicellular animals looked like has puzzled biologists for a long time. With the genome of the starlet sea...Genome Transplantation - Coming to a Bacteria Near You6 Jul, 2007 01:36 pm Well, I was interviewed yesterday by the AP (see the AP article here*) relating to an article in Science on Genome Transplantation by John Glass,...Pilot of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Released Today13 Jun, 2007 07:00 pm After scientists revealed the map of the entire human genome in 2001, the ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project was launched in September 2003...Scientists Decipher Rhesus Macaque Genome5 Jun, 2007 03:15 pm In the 13 April 2007 issue, Science unveiled the genome sequence of one of biology's most important model organisms: the rhesus macaque monkey (Macaca...You and the $1000 Genome ? Part II: The International HapMap Project4 Jun, 2007 12:25 pm In Part I of the ?You and the $1000 Genome? series we examined the Archon X PRIZE for Genomics, a $10 million purse for the group that can sequence 100... |