Key words :
future energies,
peak oil
,future energy
,crude oil
,energy watch group
Has Peak Oil Been Reached? No!
5 Nov, 2007 12:51 pm
The Energy Watch Group released a report last week, stating that peak oil was reached in 2006. Scitizen sought the professional view of Dr Peter Jackson, Director of the CERA (Cambridge Energy Research Associates), whose position is that peak oil has not been reached. As well, we speak to Mr Jorg Schindler, the main author and Managing Director of Ludwig-B?lkow-Systemtechnik GmbH, about the report.
Key words :
future energies,
peak oil
,future energy
,crude oil
,energy watch group
Peak Oil is Nonsense Because Theres Enough Gas to Last 250 Years.
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The concept itself is reliable of course, otherwise it would mean that oil resources are infinite. The difficulty, due to the complexity of the problem, is to predict accurately *when* the peak will occur (or has it occurred recently?). The applicability of the concept is thus probably limited, I mean in term of accurate predictability as a physical law. But even if the peak oil (or a plateau) occurs in 2017 instead of now, obviously it will be followed by a decrease of oil production. I think this is the force of the peak oil concept, to just remind us that *there will be a decrease* with significant impacts on our societies.