The Bust of the Great Ethanol Boom
8 Nov, 2007 10:36 am
President Bush promised to expand American biofuel production, but the result has been worse than nothing. Corn is a poor source for energy, but growing it and other staples as fuel has caused food prices worldwide to explode - even as the scarcity of flex-fuel vehicles means no significant increase in U.S. biofuel use.
Now the U.N. is worried about rising food costs, while environmentalists see entire regions torn up to grow fuel crops.
Erin Coker from Global Pulse on LinkTV summarizes global new sources from Once Noticias, Latinoamerica News, Mexico; BBC, U.K.; Fox News, NBC News, ABC News, U.S.
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That said, both barley and hops are in short supply, the blaim laid on growing corn for ethanol. All the small brewers in the region (that is a lot) are saying that the price of beer will have to go up about 20%/